friture Public
Real-time audio visualizations (spectrum, spectrogram, etc.)
aws-sdk-net Public
Forked from aws/aws-sdk-netThe official AWS SDK for .NET. For more information on the AWS SDK for .NET, see our web site:
C# Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 6, 2024 -
semantic-kernel Public
Forked from microsoft/semantic-kernelIntegrate cutting-edge LLM technology quickly and easily into your apps
C# MIT License UpdatedNov 4, 2024 -
Dapper Public
Forked from DapperLib/DapperDapper - a simple object mapper for .Net
C# Other UpdatedApr 3, 2024 -
renovate Public
Forked from renovatebot/renovateUniversal dependency update tool that fits into your workflows.
TypeScript Other UpdatedAug 14, 2023 -
TabularEditor Public
Forked from TabularEditor/TabularEditorThis is the code repository and issue tracker for Tabular Editor 2.X (free, open-source version).
C# MIT License UpdatedMay 8, 2023 -
SpecFlow.VS Public
Forked from dpetrovych/SpecFlow.VSThe next version of the Visual Studio extension for SpecFlow
C# MIT License UpdatedDec 6, 2021 -
deveroom-visualstudio Public
Forked from specsolutions/deveroom-visualstudioVisual Studio extension for SpecFlow
C# MIT License UpdatedNov 7, 2021 -
cake Public
Forked from cake-build/cakeCake (C# Make) is a cross platform build automation system.
C# MIT License UpdatedAug 3, 2021 -
azure-sdk-for-net Public
Forked from Azure/azure-sdk-for-netThis repository is for active development of the Azure SDK for .NET. For consumers of the SDK we recommend visiting our public developer docs at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/azure/ or ou…
C# MIT License UpdatedAug 2, 2021 -
ClearScript Public
Forked from microsoft/ClearScriptA library for adding scripting to .NET applications. Supports V8 (Windows, Linux, macOS) and JScript/VBScript (Windows).
C# MIT License UpdatedJan 6, 2021 -
OpenDBDiff Public
Forked from OpenDBDiff/OpenDBDiffA database comparison tool for Microsoft SQL Server 2005+ that reports schema differences and creates a synchronization script.
C# GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedAug 27, 2020 -
pickles Public
Forked from picklesdoc/picklesThe open source living documentation generator
C# Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 17, 2020 -
libsoundio-sharp Public
Forked from atsushieno/libsoundio-sharpcross platform audio I/O library wrapped in C# API
C# MIT License UpdatedNov 17, 2019 -
crepemaker Public
Forked from sdelgran/crepemakerTemperature control of a commercial double crepe machine
C++ UpdatedOct 15, 2019 -
Export-Paper-Model-from-Blender Public
Forked from addam/Export-Paper-Model-from-BlenderPython addon for creating paper models in Blender (development version)
Python UpdatedJul 9, 2019 -
tsql-parser Public
Forked from bruce-dunwiddie/tsql-parserLibrary Written in C# For Parsing SQL Server T-SQL Scripts in .Net
C# Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 14, 2018 -
pyinstaller Public
Forked from pyinstaller/pyinstallerFreeze (package) Python programs into stand-alone executables
Python Other UpdatedFeb 25, 2018 -
pefile Public
Forked from erocarrera/pefilepefile is a Python module to read and work with PE (Portable Executable) files
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 10, 2017 -
MsgKit Public
Forked from Sicos1977/MsgKitA .NET library to make MSG files without the need for Outlook
C# UpdatedMar 17, 2017 -
iocbenchmark Public
Forked from skylabprime/iocbenchmark.NET IoC Performance Tester
C# UpdatedDec 6, 2015 -
apitrace Public
Forked from apitrace/apitraceTools for tracing OpenGL, Direct3D, and other graphics APIs
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 10, 2014 -
insubstantial Public
Forked from Insubstantial/insubstantialSwing look-and-feel library and assorted widgets
Java UpdatedDec 10, 2012 -
Fluorescence-Microscope-PSF Public
Forked from praveenpankaj/Fluorescence-Microscope-PSFFluorescence Microscope PSF