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THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER SUPPORTED OR WORKING: I no longer use my Pebble watch, so my watchface repos are unmaintained and certainly fail on newer Pebble releases. You are welcome to fork this code and get it working again. Sorry!

Beebwatch face for Pebble smartwatch

This code is hacked together from a number of sources, most notably the Pebble SDK examples; and (for examples of image rotation)

The code's a bit of a mess, but once the SDK settles down and is a bit better documented, I'll probably rework this code to match. Until then, my apologies: my code's not usually this messy.

I haven't tested it for battery performance yet.

Copyright on the BBC Clock face design is probably held by the BBC, although I've redrawn it from scratch. Copyright on the fonts is held by me (Tom Gidden), but is based on the characters generated by the Mullard SAA5050 chip as used in Teletext.