This repo is for the code for, a microsite that promotes the Science Gothic libre typeface. The microsite was designed and coded by Vanna Vu.
You can read about and download Science Gothic from its own repository.
Science Gothic™ is a libre sans serif variable font. The medium weight is based closely on Morris Fuller Benton’s Bank Gothic (1930–34) for American Typefounders. Science Gothic adds four design axes: extreme weight and width, plus contrast (Y Opaque or ‘YOPQ’and slant), a lowercase, and extensive language coverage. Science Gothic is a team effort, by Thomas Phinney, Brandon Buerkle and Vassil Kateliev. Special thanks to Igor Freiberger for his early contributions.
Get the latest working variable font here:
Please report any bugs or issues! You can file an issue right here on Github. Feedback is welcome!
Science Gothic fonts and their source files are licensed to others under the open source SIL Open Font License v1.1 ( with no Reserved Font Name. To view the specific terms and conditions please refer to OFL.txt
Additional non-font source files are licensed to others under the Apache 2.0 open source license (