A Slackbot project boilerplate for bots with interactive buttons.
Read all the docs on botkit @ https://github.com/howdyai/botkit Read all the Slack API docs @ https://api.slack.com/ (especially the bit on interactive buttons)
###This project is all you need to get up and running with interactive messages
- Works with interactive buttons
- Includes sample 'interactive_message_callback' method
- Includes sample help method
- Includes uptime method
- Includes config file for tokens
##To get your App up and running:
* Run an npm install
* Make sure you are using a Slack App and have a bot user set
* Plug your tokens and secrets into the config file (Found by managing your App here: https://api.slack.com)
* Make sure you have localtunnel running (https://localtunnel.me/) with the url set in your app credentials under redirect URI. (https://api.slack.com -> https://yoursubdomain.localtunnel.me/oauth)
* Make sure you have your Request URL for interactive messages set to https://yoursubdomain.localtunnel.me/slack/receive
* Run your bot with "node yourbot.js"
* Hit the URL "https://yoursubdomain.localtunnel.me/login" to add your bot to a team
* Direct message your bot "test button" to make sure buttons are working
* Invite your bot to a channel and have fun!
Created by Christian Hapgood