This sofware provides an interface for the tradfri lights via the tradfri ip-gateway.
IMPORTANT: With version 0.1.0 the connection process was changed. Please check the example.
This lib is Promise based.
'use strict';
const Tradfri = require('./tradfri-coapdtls')
var id = "id" + Math.random().toString(16).slice(2) // generate unique id
var config = {
securityId: "security-id", // security key
hubIpAddress: "", // tradfri ip address
psk: null, // at first connection no psk is needed
clientId: id, // unique client id
var TradfriHub = new Tradfri(config);
TradfriHub.connect().then((key) => {
console.log(`With the first connection, the gateway generates a session key. \n This must be stored with the unique ID for the next connection.\n id is: ${id}\n psk is: ${key}`);
TradfriHub.getGatewayInfo().then((res) => {
console.log(`Gateway connected:\n Firmware Version: ${res['9029']}\n NTP Server ${res['9023']}`);
TradfriHub.getAllDeviceIDs().then((res) => {
console.log(`All bulbs ids:`);
MIT, see file.
This software is based on the node-coap package with dtls extensions node-coap software performed by contributors :
- Matteo Collina,
- Nguyen Quoc Dinh,
- Daniel Moran Jimenez,
- Ignacio Martín,
- Christopher Hiller
DTLS extensions performed by
- J. Ian Lindsay