Android Build
Downlowd the latest android SDK and NDK from google.
In cryptopp-master directory run the follwoing commands to build the library
- export AOSP_API=28
- ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=<path_to_ndk> source ./TestScripts/ arm8
- ANDROID_NDK_ROOT is the path which contains toolchains, platforms etc directories
- AOSP_API sets target android API version. 28 is for Pie and above.
- The script takes target architecture as input eg. armv8
- echo $CXX to check if specific compiler is set.
- Run make command : make -j8 -f GNUmakefile-cross shared
- is created in the current directory
Run the following to test the build:
- Build cryptest.exe : make -j7 -f GNUmakefile-cross cryptest.exe
- Create a directory TEST from with the following content
- copy cryptest.exe and and TestData directory
- Find from ndk location which is appropriate for the target architecture. Here we are using aarch64 variant for armv8.
- The contents of TEST should look like :
cryptest.exe TestData - Push TEST to device : adb push TEST /data/local/tmp
- Go to the directory :
- adb shell
- cd /data/local/tmp/TEST
- Setup so path : export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.
- make cryptest.exe executable : chmod +x cryptest.exe
- Run the executable and follow instructions: ./cryptest.exe
Strip the library to reduce size:
- Find the platform specific strip binaries from ndk. Here we are using: aarch64-linux-android-strip and run :
- <ndk_path>/aarch64-linux-android-strip
- <ndk_path>/aarch64-linux-android-strip
- These two libraries can directly be used in the android app.
Linux Build
- To build the code goto cryptopp-master directory arn run : make -j8 -f GNUmakefile
- This will create libcryptopp.a in the current directory. To make shared library pass shared argument to make command.
- Note: clean all the previous .o, .a, .so files before build.
- This is an android app and as well as Linux commandline app.
- The shared code is :
- cryptopp include files for build. All the header files in cryptopp-master are selected and saved in a dir.
- Encryption and Decryption routines.
- Platform specific codes are:
- Platform specific libraries.
- UI code.
- In android the platform specific code is the UI and app behavior written in kotlin and JNI to communicate with native code.
- In Linux, its just some helper function for file io.
- An encrypted file can be created both on the Android device as well as in the linux terminal. The file can be decryped from both the app as well.
- The saved encrypted file can be shared between the devices via email, cloud based storage such as google drive etc.
- After any modification in the encrypted file, it must be shared/uploaded to cloud again as during each encryption the initialization vector value changes.
- The app does not store the decrypted file anywhere. Only prints it in the terminal.
- This project uses cryptopp
- Icon of the Android app is sourced from