Feathers hook utility for schema validation and sanitization using Yup. Error messages are converted to web/mobile friendly formats, and optionally translated for clarity or internationalization.
Supports both JS and Typescript.
The reason I decided to do this, because I found that using Yup clientside with react is the recommended approach. but I did not want to rewrite the rules in JOI or any other validation framework that are already available. this hook allows me to simply share the validations from the clientside.
import * as Yup from "yup";
import {Hook, HookContext} from '@feathersjs/feathers';
import {BadRequest} from '@feathersjs/errors';
const yupSchema = Yup.object({
email: Yup.string()
.email("invalid email")
.required("email required"),
retypeEmail: Yup.string()
.oneOf([Yup.ref('email'), undefined], 'email not equal')
.required("must enter email again"),
password: Yup.string()
.required('must enter password')
.min(8, 'password must be 8 letters')
.matches(/[a-zA-Z0-9]/, 'error ...'),
acceptedTerms: Yup.boolean()
.oneOf([true], "must accept terms"),
export default yupSchema;
import yupValidationHook from 'feathers-hook-yup';
import yupSchema from './yupSchema.js';
const yupOptions = {abortEarly: false};
export.before = {
create: [ yupValidationHook(yupSchema, yupOptions, translationMethod) ],
update: [ yupValidationHook(yupSchema, yupOptions, translationMethod) ],
patch: [ yupValidationHook(yupSchema, yupOptions, translationMethod) ]
(3) Internationalize or clarify Joi error messages.
Translation method example:
//some translating logic...
function i18n(str) { return str; } // internationalization
const translationMethod = (formattedErrors) => {
for(const errorKey in formattedErrors){
formattedErrors[errorKey] = i18n(formattedErrors[errorKey]);
return formattedErrors;
export.before = {
create: [ yupValidationHook(yupSchema, yupOptions, translationMethod) ],
Install Nodejs.
Run npm install feathers-hooks-yup --save
in your project folder.
Run yarn add feathers-hooks-yup
in your project folder.
You can then require the utilities.
To do.
To do.
npm test
to run tests.
npm run cover
to run tests plus coverage.
- logicwind for taking their readme as an example, and for the inspiration to set up this package.