Joomla-cli is a commandline tool to manage your Joomla websites.
For instance in our development / production environment we've build a Phing wrapper around it to deploy and install our Joomla! websites.
vendor/bin/joomla-cli core:download --path=./public
--path defaults to joomla, can be whatever relative to the directory the command is executed.
--version defaults to latest stable e.g. 3.4.0, supports 3.3.* or exact version number.
With the --stable flag you can also install unstable versions e.g. 3.4.1-rc
vendor/bin/joomla-cli core:install-db --dbname="mydb" --dbuser="myuser" --dbpass="mypassword" --dbhost="localhost" --joomla-version="3.4.0"
This command is used to install the initial clean Joomla! database.
Other options:
--dbprefix to set the prefix for the Joomla! tables.
vendor/bin/joomla-cli core:update-db --path=./public
This command uses the path to bootstrap the Joomla application and run the database migrations (if they are needed).
vendor/bin/joomla-cli extension:language:install nl-NL --path=./public
This command uses the path to bootstrap the Joomla application and install the language.
- Mark van Duijker for starting this tool!