Fix and enable additional streams tests in ShadowRealm #49321
Community-TC (pull_request)
Collect results for all tests affected by a pull request in firefox.
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Task Status
Started: 2024-11-27T19:19:51.544Z
Resolved: 2024-11-27T19:24:31.264Z
Task Execution Time: 4 minutes, 39 seconds, 720 milliseconds
Task Status: completed
Reason Resolved: completed
RunId: 0
- public/logs/live_backing.log
- public/logs/live.log
- public/results/
- public/results/wpt_report.json.gz
- public/results/wpt_screenshot.txt.gz
WPT Command: python3 ./wpt run --channel=nightly --no-fail-on-unexpected --log-wptreport=../artifacts/wpt_report.json --log-wptscreenshot=../artifacts/wpt_screenshot.txt --affected base_head --log-mach-level=info --log-mach=- -y --no-pause --no-restart-on-unexpected --install-fonts --no-headless --verify-log-full --binary=/home/test/build/firefox/firefox firefox
[taskcluster 2024-11-27 19:19:51.686Z] Task ID: WoOjNzFuTXSRKZES70Y-Nw
[taskcluster 2024-11-27 19:19:51.686Z] Worker ID: 1705680238193331825
[taskcluster 2024-11-27 19:19:51.686Z] Worker Group: us-east4-b
[taskcluster 2024-11-27 19:19:51.686Z] Worker Node Type: projects/757942385826/machineTypes/n2-standard-4
[taskcluster 2024-11-27 19:19:51.686Z] Worker Pool: proj-wpt/ci
[taskcluster 2024-11-27 19:19:51.686Z] Worker Version: 46.1.0
[taskcluster 2024-11-27 19:19:51.686Z] Public IP:
[taskcluster 2024-11-27 19:19:51.686Z] Hostname: proj-wpt-ci-yai8xdm0qtwhvmb0exwibg
ff2b96c8f8ff - Started downloading
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430011f338a2 - Downloaded in 0.007 seconds
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...(635 lines hidden)...
FAIL should be able to transfer a WritableStream - assert_true: the original stream should be locked expected true got false
FAIL a locked WritableStream should not be transferable - assert_throws_dom: transferring should throw function "() => failToTransfer(ws)" threw object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads." that is not a DOMException DataCloneError: property "code" is equal to undefined, expected 25
FAIL should be able to transfer a {readable, writable} pair - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."FAIL desiredSize for a newly-transferred stream should be 1 - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."FAIL effective queue size of a transferred writable should be 2 - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."FAIL second write should wait for first underlying write to complete - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."FAIL abort() should work - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."FAIL writing a unclonable object should error the stream - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."
2:41.84 INFO No more tests
2:41.84 pid:1375 1732735467555 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 54359
2:42.05 INFO Browser exited with return code -15
2:41.94 INFO Closing logging queue
2:41.94 INFO queue closed
2:42.07 SUITE_END
Ran 133 checks (101 subtests, 32 tests)
Expected results: 51
Unexpected results: 82
test: 18 (6 error, 12 timeout)
subtest: 64 (64 fail)
Unexpected Results
FAIL Transferred MessageChannel works as expected - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: ReadableStream.constructor: 'owning' (value of 'type' member of UnderlyingSource) is not a valid value for enumeration ReadableStreamType."
FAIL Second branch of owning ReadableStream tee should end up into errors with transfer only values - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: ReadableStream.constructor: 'owning' (value of 'type' member of UnderlyingSource) is not a valid value for enumeration ReadableStreamType."
FAIL Transferred MessageChannel works as expected - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: ReadableStream.constructor: 'owning' (value of 'type' member of UnderlyingSource) is not a valid value for enumeration ReadableStreamType."
FAIL Second branch of owning ReadableStream tee should end up into errors with transfer only values - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: ReadableStream.constructor: 'owning' (value of 'type' member of UnderlyingSource) is not a valid value for enumeration ReadableStreamType."
FAIL Transferred MessageChannel works as expected - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: ReadableStream.constructor: 'owning' (value of 'type' member of UnderlyingSource) is not a valid value for enumeration ReadableStreamType."
FAIL Second branch of owning ReadableStream tee should end up into errors with transfer only values - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: ReadableStream.constructor: 'owning' (value of 'type' member of UnderlyingSource) is not a valid value for enumeration ReadableStreamType."
FAIL Transferred MessageChannel works as expected - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: ReadableStream.constructor: 'owning' (value of 'type' member of UnderlyingSource) is not a valid value for enumeration ReadableStreamType."
FAIL Second branch of owning ReadableStream tee should end up into errors with transfer only values - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: ReadableStream.constructor: 'owning' (value of 'type' member of UnderlyingSource) is not a valid value for enumeration ReadableStreamType."
TIMEOUT /streams/transferable/readable-stream.https.any.shadowrealm-in-audioworklet.html
ERROR /streams/transferable/readable-stream.any.shadowrealm-in-shadowrealm.html - Unhandled rejection: ShadowRealm is not defined
TIMEOUT /streams/transferable/readable-stream.any.shadowrealm-in-dedicatedworker.html
TIMEOUT /streams/transferable/readable-stream.any.shadowrealm-in-sharedworker.html
FAIL sending one chunk through a transferred stream should work - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."
FAIL sending ten chunks through a transferred stream should work - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."
FAIL sending ten chunks one at a time should work - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."
FAIL sending ten chunks on demand should work - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."
FAIL transferring a stream should relieve backpressure - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."
FAIL transferring a stream should add one chunk to the queue size - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."
FAIL the extra queue from transferring is counted in chunks - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."
FAIL cancel should be propagated to the original - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."
FAIL cancel should abort a pending read() - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."
FAIL stream cancel should not wait for underlying source cancel - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."
FAIL serialization should not happen until the value is read - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."
FAIL transferring a non-serializable chunk should error both sides - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."
FAIL errors should be passed through - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."
FAIL race between cancel() and error() should leave sides in different states - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."
FAIL race between cancel() and close() should be benign - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."
FAIL race between cancel() and enqueue() should be benign - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."
TIMEOUT /streams/transferable/readable-stream.https.any.shadowrealm-in-serviceworker.html
ERROR /streams/transferable/readable-stream.any.shadowrealm-in-window.html - Unhandled rejection: ShadowRealm is not defined
FAIL reason with a simple value of 'hi' should be preserved - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined"
FAIL reason with a simple value of '
' should be preserved - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined"
FAIL reason with a simple value of '7' should be preserved - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined"
FAIL reason with a simple value of '3' should be preserved - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined"
FAIL reason with a simple value of 'undefined' should be preserved - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined"
FAIL reason with a simple value of 'null' should be preserved - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined"
FAIL reason with a simple value of 'true' should be preserved - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined"
FAIL reason with a simple value of 'false' should be preserved - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined"
FAIL reason with a simple value of 'NaN' should be preserved - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined"
FAIL reason with a simple value of 'Infinity' should be preserved - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined"
FAIL reason with a type of 'symbol' should be rejected and error the stream - promise_rejects_dom: cancel() should reject function "function() { throw e }" threw object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined" that is not a DOMException DataCloneError: property "code" is equal to undefined, expected 25
FAIL reason with a type of 'function' should be rejected and error the stream - promise_rejects_dom: cancel() should reject function "function() { throw e }" threw object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined" that is not a DOMException DataCloneError: property "code" is equal to undefined, expected 25
FAIL objects that can be completely expressed in JSON should be preserved - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined"
FAIL objects that cannot be expressed in JSON should also be preserved - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined"
FAIL the type and message of a TypeError should be preserved - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined"
FAIL other attributes of a TypeError should not be preserved - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined"
FAIL a TypeError message should be converted to a string - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined"
FAIL a TypeError message should not be preserved if it is a getter - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined"
FAIL a TypeError message should not be preserved if it is inherited - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined"
FAIL DOMException errors should be preserved - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined"
FAIL EvalError should be preserved - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined"
FAIL RangeError should be preserved - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined"
FAIL ReferenceError should be preserved - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined"
FAIL SyntaxError should be preserved - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined"
FAIL TypeError should be preserved - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined"
FAIL URIError should be preserved - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: GLOBAL is not defined"
TIMEOUT /streams/transferable/transform-stream.any.shadowrealm-in-sharedworker.html
FAIL piping through transferred transforms should work - assert_equals: transforms should have been applied expected "HELLO HELLO THERE THERE " but got "HELLO HELLO "
ERROR /streams/transferable/transform-stream.any.shadowrealm-in-window.html - Unhandled rejection: ShadowRealm is not defined
FAIL should be able to transfer a TransformStream - assert_true: the readable side should be locked expected true got false
FAIL a TransformStream with a locked writable should not be transferable - assert_throws_dom: transferring should throw function "() => failToTransfer(ts)" threw object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads." that is not a DOMException DataCloneError: property "code" is equal to undefined, expected 25
FAIL a TransformStream with a locked readable should not be transferable - assert_throws_dom: transferring should throw function "() => failToTransfer(ts)" threw object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads." that is not a DOMException DataCloneError: property "code" is equal to undefined, expected 25
FAIL a TransformStream with both sides locked should not be transferable - assert_throws_dom: transferring should throw function "() => failToTransfer(ts)" threw object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads." that is not a DOMException DataCloneError: property "code" is equal to undefined, expected 25
FAIL piping through transferred transforms should work - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."
ERROR /streams/transferable/transform-stream.any.shadowrealm-in-shadowrealm.html - Unhandled rejection: ShadowRealm is not defined
TIMEOUT /streams/transferable/transform-stream.https.any.shadowrealm-in-audioworklet.html
TIMEOUT /streams/transferable/transform-stream.https.any.shadowrealm-in-serviceworker.html
TIMEOUT /streams/transferable/transform-stream.any.shadowrealm-in-dedicatedworker.html
ERROR /streams/transferable/writable-stream.any.shadowrealm-in-window.html - Unhandled rejection: ShadowRealm is not defined
TIMEOUT /streams/transferable/writable-stream.https.any.shadowrealm-in-audioworklet.html
TIMEOUT /streams/transferable/writable-stream.https.any.shadowrealm-in-serviceworker.html
TIMEOUT /streams/transferable/writable-stream.any.shadowrealm-in-sharedworker.html
TIMEOUT /streams/transferable/writable-stream.any.shadowrealm-in-dedicatedworker.html
ERROR /streams/transferable/writable-stream.any.shadowrealm-in-shadowrealm.html - Unhandled rejection: ShadowRealm is not defined
FAIL should be able to transfer a WritableStream - assert_true: the original stream should be locked expected true got false
FAIL a locked WritableStream should not be transferable - assert_throws_dom: transferring should throw function "() => failToTransfer(ws)" threw object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads." that is not a DOMException DataCloneError: property "code" is equal to undefined, expected 25
FAIL should be able to transfer a {readable, writable} pair - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."
FAIL desiredSize for a newly-transferred stream should be 1 - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."
FAIL effective queue size of a transferred writable should be 2 - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."
FAIL second write should wait for first underlying write to complete - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."
FAIL abort() should work - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."
FAIL writing a unclonable object should error the stream - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage: Argument 2 is not valid for any of the 2-argument overloads."
2:42.07 INFO Got 27 unexpected results, with 0 unexpected passes
2:42.07 wptserve INFO Stopped WebTransport over HTTP/3 server on
2:42.32 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on
2:42.45 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on
2:42.45 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on
2:42.45 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on
2:42.45 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on
2:42.47 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on
2:42.47 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on
2:42.47 wptserve INFO Close on: (<AddressFamily.AF_INET: 2>, <SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM: 1>, 6, '', ('', 8889))
2:42.47 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on
2:42.47 wptserve INFO Close on: (<AddressFamily.AF_INET: 2>, <SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM: 1>, 6, '', ('', 8888))
2:42.52 wptserve INFO Stopped http server on
2:42.56 INFO Removed font: Ahem.ttf
2:42.58 INFO Closing logging queue
2:42.59 INFO queue closed
2:42.59 INFO Tolerating 27 unexpected results
[taskcluster 2024-11-27 19:24:29.685Z] === Task Finished ===
[taskcluster 2024-11-27 19:24:30.630Z] Successful task run with exit code: 0 completed in 278.946 seconds