Developed a Chrome extension that provides advanced management of browsing history by extracting and displaying search queries from URLs. Enabling quick catch up to closed tabs by mistake
- Project Overview
- Features
- Screenshots
- Installation
- Usage
- APIs & Technologies Used
- Key Functions & Code Highlights
- Contributing
- License
Chrome Extension: Enhanced URL History & Search Query Extraction is a lightweight Chrome extension that tracks user browsing history, extracts search queries from URLs, and provides a clean UI for managing this data. It stores URLs using IndexedDB for persistence and real-time updates.
- Persistent URL Storage: Stores URLs in IndexedDB, allowing them to persist across sessions.
- Search Query Extraction: Extracts search queries from complex URLs to simplify browsing history.
- History Management: Easily clear the browsing history with the click of a button.
- User-Friendly Interface: Clean and interactive UI built using Bootstrap.
git clone
cd chrome-extension-url-history
npm install
- Open Chrome and navigate to chrome://extensions/.
- Enable Developer Mode.
- Click on Load unpacked and select the project folder.
- Click on the extension icon in the Chrome toolbar.
- The popup will display URLs with extracted search queries, alongside their timestamps.
- Use the Clear History button to remove stored URLs.
- Perform searches and observe real-time updates in the history!
Chrome Extensions API
chrome.tabs API
: Tracks tab updates and captures URL data. -
chrome.runtime API
: Handles messaging between background scripts and popup. -
: Client-side database for persistent storage of URLs and related data. -
Bootstrap 5
: Provides responsive design for the extension’s UI. -
JavaScript (ES6)
: Core logic including event handling, URL parsing, and storage management.
The background script is responsible for capturing the URLs, storing them in IndexedDB, and managing history data.
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener((tabId, changeInfo) => {
if (changeInfo.status === "complete") {
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((request, sender, sendResponse) => {
if (request.action === "getUrlHistory") {
// Logic to retrieve history from IndexedDB
The popup script retrieves the stored URLs, displays them to the user, and provides the option to clear the history.
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
const deleteHis = document.querySelector(".first-click");
// Fetch URL history and display it
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "getUrlHistory" }, (response) => {
// Logic to render history in popup
// Clear URL history on button click
deleteHis.addEventListener("click", () => {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "clearUrlHistory" }, (response) => {
// Logic to clear history from UI
Storing URLs in IndexedDB for persistence:
function storeUrlIndexedDB(tabId) {
chrome.tabs.get(tabId, (tab) => {
const url = tab.url;
const timestamp = new Date().toISOString();
const transaction = db.transaction(["urls"], "readwrite");
const objectStore = transaction.objectStore("urls");
visitedAt: timestamp,
Search Query Extraction
Extracting the search query from a URL for display:
Copy code
function getSearchQuery(url) {
try {
const urlObj = new URL(url);
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(;
// Extract the 'q' parameter from the URL
const query = searchParams.get('q');
// If the query exists, return it
if (query) {
return query;
} else {
return url; // If no query is found, return the original URL
} catch (error) {
console.error('Invalid URL:', error);
return url; // In case of an error, fallback to showing the full URL
// Example usage in your code where URLs are displayed
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((request, sender, sendResponse) => {
if (request.action === "getUrlHistory") {
const transaction = db.transaction(["urls"], "readonly");
const objectStore = transaction.objectStore("urls");
const allRequest = objectStore.getAll();
allRequest.onsuccess = function (event) {
const results = => {
return {
query: getSearchQuery(entry.url) // Extract and display the search query
sendResponse({ data: results });
allRequest.onerror = function () {
sendResponse({ data: [] });
return true; // Keeps the messaging channel open for async response
Contributions are welcome! To contribute:
- Fork the repository
- Create a new branch
- Make your changes
- Submit a pull request For significant changes, please open an issue to discuss what you'd like to change.