Get a list of free developer-related events in your city from facebook, meetup.com, eventbrite, ics url and manual entries.
npm i webuild-events
we will create the following folder structure:
. ├── .env ├── config │ ├── blacklistEvents.json │ ├── facebookGroups.json │ ├── icsGroups.json │ └── whitelistEvents.json ├── config.js ├── node_modules │ ├── dotenv │ └── webuild-events └── index.js
create a
file to store all the environment variables:NODE_ENV=development LOCATION=Singapore # name of city WEBUILD_API_SECRET=secret # any random string - used as a password when remotely refreshing the feeds MEETUP_API_KEY=secret # generate it from https://secure.meetup.com/meetup_api/key/ to get meetup.com events EVENTBRITE_TOKEN=secret # generate it from http://developer.eventbrite.com/ to get eventbrite events # Create an Auth0 https://auth0.com/ account and a Facebook app and link them (https://docs.auth0.com/facebook-clientid). Configure the `WEBUILD_AUTH0_CLIENT_*` environment variables.` WEBUILD_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID=secret WEBUILD_AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET=secret
create a
to list all the Facebook pages / groups you want to list the upcoming events:[ { "name": "Adobe InDesign Singapore User Group", // name of the facebook page / group "id": "116531348396769" // id of the facebook page / groups: https://lookup-id.com/ }, ... ]
create 2
to add / remove events manually:[ { "id": "999999999", "name": "This is a sample event on how to fill up this file. For whitelistEvents.json: all fields are required. For blacklistEvents.json: id, formatted_time and url are required. Time fields are filled in as an example for time format DD MMM YYYY, ddd, h:mm a.", "description": "sample description", "location": "sample location", "url": "http://www.sample.com/event", "group_name": "sample group name", "group_url": "http://www.group.com", "formatted_time": "14 Nov 2014, Fri, 6:00 pm", "start_time": "2014-11-14T10:00:00.000Z", "end_time": "2014-11-16T09:00:00.000Z" }, ... ]
create a
to list all urls ofics
formatted events:[ { "group_name": "KopiJS", "group_url": "http://kopi.io/", "ics_url": "https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/dnhunu42fotmefouusg4j8ip0k%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics" }, ... ]
create a file
with the following contents:var city = 'Singapore'; // name of your city E.g. 'Sydney' var country = 'Singapore'; // name of your country E.g. 'Australia' var locationSymbol = 'SG'; // country code: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1#Officially_assigned_code_elements function failSafeRequire(filename){ var requiredData; try { requiredData = require(filename); } catch(e){ requiredData = []; } return requiredData; } var facebookGroups = failSafeRequire('./config/facebookGroups.json'); var blacklistEvents = failSafeRequire('./config/blacklistEvents.json') var icsGroups = failSafeRequire('./config/icsGroups.json'); var whitelistEvents = failSafeRequire('./config/whitelistEvents.json'); var duplicateWords = require('./config/duplicateWords.json')[0].words; // see sample in examples/duplicateWords.json module.exports = { location: city, city: city, country: country, symbol: locationSymbol, api_version: 'v1', displayTimeformat: 'DD MMM YYYY, ddd, h:mm a', // format date: http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/ dateFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z', // format time: http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/ timezone: '+0800', // timezone UTC offset: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones timezoneInfo: 'Asia/Singapore', // timezone name: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones debug: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development', ignoreWordsInDuplicateEvents: duplicateWords, // array of words to ignore in detecting duplicate events auth0: { domain: 'webuildsg.auth0.com', clientId: process.env.WEBUILD_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID, clientSecret: process.env.WEBUILD_AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET }, meetupParams: { key: process.env.MEETUP_API_KEY, country: locationSymbol, state: locationSymbol, city: city, category_id: 34, // Tech category page: 500, fields: 'next_event', blacklistGroups: [], blacklistWords: [], }, eventbriteParams: { token: process.env.EVENTBRITE_TOKEN, url: 'https://www.eventbriteapi.com/v3/events/search', categories: [ '102', '119' ], blacklistOrganiserId: [] } };
:require('dotenv').load(); var config = require('./config'); var events = require('webuild-events').init(config).events; setTimeout(function() { console.log('Found ' + events.feed.events.length + ' events from Facebook:') console.log('\nMeta info:') console.log(events.feed.meta) console.log('\nFirst event info:') console.log(events.feed.events[0]) }, 30000);
install the relevant dependencies:
npm i webuild-event npm i dotenv
run the file with
node index.js
Please see CONTRIBUTING.md
for details.
Following the Semantic Versioning guidelines, run the grunt bump
, grunt bump:minor
or grunt bump:major
commands to bump the version accordingly.
webuild-events is released under the MIT License.