A customiseable poem generator that supports custom rhyme schemes, line lengths, and corpuses.
This uses datamuses rhyme api https://www.datamuse.com/api/
Thine eye love's best of sweet respect:
Thy sweet up-locked treasure, ere beauty's effect
Return, of brow, i view want subject
Blind fool, though waiting so fair aspect
Thy fair aspect and my comfort still:
Have gone in dreams do now, will
Guides my bosom's shop is not dull
Affords in the watery main, increasing store
From my head, to decay, and land
Friend!' the motion shall time's injurious hand
Should he answers with power to stand
We must expire consumed with this brand
Have dismay'd
And nights aid
Brushes. silent are flowing.--
So does it is growing
By pan, i inspir'd? this hour.
To steal about arcadian books; such power
Lip, and he did leap through sunny skies.
Away! soon with excessive love. we have no wise
Bloom paled gently glad exclaim,
Wandering, they still the name
That searching eye stedfast aim
Wings, two drops that same
Glimmering. honey for very shame
I lov'd her paly flame
About his plans to tame
More, and such lovely dame