Stratum-mining is a pooled mining protocol. It is a replacement for getwork based pooling servers by allowing clients to generate work. The stratum protocol is described here in full detail.
This is a implementation of stratum-mining for most coins. It is compatible with MPOS as it complies with the standards of pushpool. The end goal is to build on these standards to come up with a more stable solution.
The goal is to make a reliable stratum mining server for a wide range of coins unlike other forks where the code is limited to specific algorithm's. Over time I will develop this to be more feature rich and very stable. If you would like to see a feature please file a feature request.
NOTE: This fork is still in development. Many features may be broken. Please report any broken features or issues.
- Stratum Mining Pool
- Solved Block Confirmation
- Job Based Vardiff support
- Solution Block Hash Support
- Log Rotation
- Initial low difficulty share confirmation
- Multiple coind wallets
- On the fly addition of new coind wallets
- MySQL/PostGres/SQLite database support
- Adjustable database commit parameters
- Bypass password check for workers
- Proof Of Work and Proof of Stake Coin Support
- Transaction Messaging Support
- BTC: 1D9sGeqx5TVzcCSdmiUqxtdqbc8puyVM9N
stratum-mining is built in python. I have been testing it with 2.7.3, but it should work with other versions. The requirements for running the software are below.
- Python 2.7+
- python-twisted
- stratum
- MySQL Server
- CoinDaemon
Other coins have been known to work with this implementation. I have tested with the following coins, but there may be many others that work.
- Orbitcoin.
- FireFlyCoin.
- ByteCoin
- DigitalCoin
- Worldcoin
- Argentum
- Netcoin
- FlorinCoin
- CHNCoin
- Cubits v3
- OpenSourceCoin
- TekCoin
- Franko
- Quark
- Securecoin
The installation of this stratum-mining can be found in the Repo Wiki.
I am available in the #MPOS, #crypto-expert, #digitalcoin, and #worldcoin channels on freenode. Although i am willing to provide support through IRC please file issues on the repo. Issues as a direct result of stratum will be helped with as much as possible However issues related to a coin daemon's setup and other non stratum issues, Please research and attempt to debug first.
- Original version by Slush0 and ArtForz (original stratum code)
- More Features added by GeneralFault, Wadee Womersley, Viperaus, TheSeven and Moopless
- Multi Algo, Vardiff, DB and MPOS support done by Ahmed_Bodi, penner42 and Obigal
This software is provides AS-IS without any warranties of any kind. Please use at your own risk.