Formats XML into a more readable format by inserting linebreaks and indents. Supports all element types (e.g. processing instructions) and also the xml:space attribute
$ npm install -S xformatting
const { formatSync } = require('xformatting');
const xml = '<xformatting><code xml:space="preserve">var hello = "world"</code></xformatting>';
const formattedXml = formatSync(xml);
const { format } = require('xformatting');
const xml = '<xformatting><code xml:space="preserve">var hello = "world"</code></xformatting>';
format(xml).then((formattedXml) => {
You can pass an options object to the methods as a second argument. In this table you will find all setting options:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
linebreak | string | "\r\n" | New line characters |
indentation | string | "\t" | Characters for indentation |
preserveSpaceAttribute | string | "xml:space" | Attribute name for preserve space |
preserveSpaceFn | Function | Function to check if preserve space is active |