npm install jsontableify
const Jsontableify = require('jsontableify')
: converts json to html code.- Date (Configurable formatting)
- Links
- JSON arrays
- Labels get capitalized.
- Hide few labels from table.
- Replace text
- Define section headers / main json keys
const { html } = new Jsontableify({
headerList: ['Phone', 'Attachments', 'PersonCompetency'], // optional - will be shown as header to table
dateFormat: 'DD-MM-YYYY', // optional- date format to be converted to if date found
replaceTextMap: { YearsOfExperience: 'Years Of Experience' }, // optional - key will be replaced by its value
excludeKeys: ['Current CTC'], // optional - these fields will not be displayed
}).toHtml(<JSON object>)
"CandidateName": "Yatish Balaji",
"YearsOfExperience": 3,
"Current CTC": 10,
"Expected CTC": 25.0,
"Address": {
"CountryCode": "India",
"Leaving from": "12-11-2017",
"Leaved Till": "2019-11-06T07:00:30.103Z"
"Phone": [
"Number": "8828558654",
"Label": "personal",
"Preferred": "primary"
"Number": "8828558123",
"Label": "official"
"PersonCompetency": [
"CompetencyName": "Java",
"Synonyms": [
"sr j2ee resource",
"java stack",
"advance java"
"CompetencyName": "AWS",
"Synonyms": [
"amazon webservice",
"amazon web service"
"Attachments": {
"type": "link",
"value": [
"name": "Quezx Posh",
"link": [""]
"name": "Quezx Posh Attacment",
"link": [""]