新建场景: file -f -new;
导入FBX模型 FBXImport -file "<file_name>";
获取时间轴时间区间 float $minTime = playbackOptions -q -minTime
float $maxTime = playbackOptions -q -maxTime
获取选取对象:ls -sl; 清楚关键帧:cutKey -cl;
重置关节: import maya.cmds as cmds
objs = cmds.ls(selection=True)
cmds.setAttr(objs[0] + ".translateX", 0) cmds.setAttr(objs[0] + ".translateY", 0) cmds.setAttr(objs[0] + ".translateZ", 0)
cmds.setAttr(objs[0] + ".rotateX", 0) cmds.setAttr(objs[0] + ".rotateY", 0) cmds.setAttr(objs[0] + ".rotateZ", 0)
cmds.cutKey(objs[0], clear=True)
import maya.cmds
def rename_morph_targets( node_name, attr_dict, quiet = False ): # list to catch our failures fail_list = [ ]
# How many targets there are in the alias list
number_of_targets = maya.cmds.getAttr( '{0}.weight'.format( node_name ), size = True )
# Iterate through the weight list
for index in range( 0, number_of_targets ):
# Query the name of the current blendshape weight
old_name = maya.cmds.aliasAttr( '{0}.weight[{1}]'.format( node_name, index ), query = True )
# If the old name isn't in the attr_dict, we're going to pass on it.
if old_name in attr_dict.keys( ):
# We're going to rename
new_name = attr_dict[ old_name ]
print 'Found old name: ', index, new_name, old_name
absolute_name = '{0}.weight[{1}]'.format( node_name, index )
maya.cmds.aliasAttr( new_name, absolute_name ) # Re-aliasing / Renaming occurs here.
if not quiet:
print 'Changed {0} -> {1}'.format( old_name, new_name )
# Add the failure to the fail list
fail_list.append( old_name )
if fail_list:
maya.cmds.warning( '{0} names were not changed. Check console for details'.format( len( fail_list ) ) )
for name in fail_list:
print name
from maya.cmds import *
objs = ls(selection=True)
#rotate to the closed 90 degree
attrs = ["rotateX", "rotateY", "rotateZ"] degrees = [0, 90, 180, -90, -180]
obj = objs[0]
for attr in attrs: value = getAttr(obj+"."+attr) if value > 180.0: value -= 360.0 if value < -180.0: value += 360.0
min_dist = 1000
closest_degree = 0
for degree in degrees:
dist = (degree - value)**2
if dist < min_dist:
min_dist = dist
closest_degree = degree
setAttr(obj+"."+attr, closest_degree)
#翻转mixamo左右动作 from maya.cmds import *
objs = ls(selection=True)
for obj in objs: if "Right" in obj: continue
if "Left" in obj:
l_rotateX = getAttr(obj + "." + "rotateX")
l_rotateY = getAttr(obj + "." + "rotateY")
l_rotateY = -l_rotateY
l_rotateZ = getAttr(obj + "." + "rotateZ")
l_rotateZ = -l_rotateZ
r_obj = obj.replace("Left", "Right")
r_rotateX = getAttr(r_obj + "." + "rotateX")
r_rotateY = getAttr(r_obj + "." + "rotateY")
r_rotateY = -r_rotateY
r_rotateZ = getAttr(r_obj + "." + "rotateZ")
r_rotateZ = -r_rotateZ
setAttr(obj + "." + "rotateX", r_rotateX)
setAttr(obj + "." + "rotateZ", r_rotateZ)
setAttr(obj + "." + "rotateY", r_rotateY)
setAttr(r_obj + "." + "rotateX", l_rotateX)
setAttr(r_obj + "." + "rotateZ", l_rotateZ)
setAttr(r_obj + "." + "rotateY", l_rotateY)
m_rotateY = getAttr(obj + "." + "rotateY")
m_rotateY = -m_rotateY
m_rotateZ = getAttr(obj + "." + "rotateZ")
m_rotateZ = -m_rotateZ
setAttr(obj + "." + "rotateZ", m_rotateZ)
setAttr(obj + "." + "rotateY", m_rotateY)
string $file = file -q -sceneName
file -f -o $file;
#打开服务器 import maya.cmds as cmds
#cmds.commandPort(cl=True, n="localhost:12345")
#剪切关键帧 from maya.cmds import *
objs = ls(selection=True)
for obj in objs: print(obj) cutKey(obj, clear=True)
string $editor = renderWindowEditor -q -editorName
render camera1;
renderWindowEditor -e -wi "E:/Temp/test2.png" $editor;
attr_dict = { 'GOZFBXASC032KAPA': 'panda1', 'GOZFBXASC032ALTI': 'panda2' }
node_name = "Morpher" # Name of the blendshape rename_morph_targets( node_name, attr_dict )
Advanced Skeleton
🍉 https://www.animationstudios.com.au/advanced-skeleton
🍉 🍉 Studio Library
🍭 🍭 CGMeetup
🍭 Mixamo
Animation Table List We made:
Learning Social Affordance for Human-Robot Interaction
Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Network for Skeleton Based Action Recognition
Two-person interaction detection using body-pose features and multiple instance learning