My new setup on MacOS.
- zsh (shell)
- (Prompt)
- Wezterm (Terminal)
- Homenbrew
- Tmux
- Neovim
- karabiner-elements
- 1Password
- Brave
- ArcBrowser
- Golang
- Rust
- Gleam
- Orbstack, replacement for Docker
# Casked recipts
brew install --cask \
brave-browser \
arc \
karabiner-elements \
orbstack \
whatsapp \
# Non-cask
brew install \
tmux \
neovim \
starship \
git \
golang \
rustup \
x86_64-linux-gnu-binutils \
messense/macos-cross-toolchains/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu \
gleam \
raycast \
rectangle \
lazygit \
spotify \
tart \
wget \
fzf \
ripgrep \
biome \
FiloSottile/musl-cross/musl-cross \
bun \
surrealdb/tap/surreal \
- Go
- Rust
- Gleam
- PHP (using Herd)
This tool is a replacement and can do Docker, and Linux containers.
and other Javascript related commands should be replaced with a "container".
Setup should be like this: .. image 1 .. .. image 2 ..
For databases checkout this documentation.