A Round-Robin Load Balancing Implementation with C++.
It's a header-only project that has implementation of round-robin load balancing strategy. ILoadBalancingStrategy is an interface and other types of strategies can be implemented.
A class named "Scheduler" keeps "Client" objects to make round-robin scheduling. "acquireClient" method is used to acquire next Client object.
/*Create strategy*/
auto strategy = std::make_shared<RoundRobinLoadBalancingStrategy<Client>>();
/*Create Scheduler*/
auto scheduler = std::make_shared<Scheduler<Client>>(std::move(strategy));
/*Add Client(s) to scheduler*/
for(auto i = 0; i<10; ++i) {
/*Acquire next client object*/
auto client = scheduler->acquireClient();
if(client != nullptr) {
/*Send packet*/