Content based image retrival using Localized Multi Texton Histogram.
In code block term localized
is used to represent Blocks
ps. the orientation from 0 ~ 360 is presented as 36 or nothing and orientations from 0 ~ 180 are presented as 18.
3 approaches are provided in the code:
- MTH (By Original Author)
- LMTH (Proposed)
- MTH (Modified Using Canny => runs on approach 1)
Pre-requisite: You need to setup the databse before you can try out the code:
Create Database:
//============================ APPROACH 1 ============================
Command : CreateTextonDB ('path')
Example : CreateTextonDB ('/Users/Desktop/implementation/images/image.orig')
//============================ APPROACH 2 ============================
Command : BlockMTH_CreateBlockedTextonDB ('path')
Example : BlockMTH_CreateBlockedTextonDB ('/Users/Desktop/implementation/images/image.orig')
Command : BlockMTH_Canny_18_CreateBlockedTextonDB ('path')
Example : BlockMTH_Canny_18_CreateBlockedTextonDB ('/Users/Desktop/implementation/images/image.orig')
//============================ APPROACH 3 ============================
Command : Canny_36_Create_MTH_DB ('path')
Example : Canny_36_Create_MTH_DB ('/Users/Desktop/implementation/images/image.orig')
Command : Canny_18_Create_MTH_DB ('path')
Example : Canny_18_Create_MTH_DB ('/Users/Desktop/implementation/images/image.orig')
//============================ CREATE DATABASE CODE ENDS HERE ============================
//============================ APPROACH 1 ============================
//============================ APPROACH 2 ============================
BlockMTH_Canny_18_SearchImage ('imageName')
BlockMTH_SearchImage ('imageName')
//============================ APPROACH 3 ============================
Canny_36_SearchImage ('imageName')
Canny_18_SearchImage ('imageName')
DEMO Trained database files are already setup and added to the repo:
- MTH_Test1000_DB
- MTH_Block_Test1000_DB.mat
- MTH_Block_Canny_18_Test1000_DB.mat
- MTH_Canny_36_Test1000_DB.mat
- MTH_Canny_18_Test1000_DB.mat
Each approach uses its own dataset, for demo purpose you need to run the following command:
BlockMTH_SearchImage ('433.jpg')