QMPlay2 17.12.11
- Use pan gesture for scrolling on Windows (native) and Android (QScroller),
- add task bar playback progress and tool buttons on Windows,
- drop support for Qt < 5.6, CMake < 3.1, and FFmpeg < 2.5,
- add Ukrainian translation file (Alexey Lugin),
- update Russian translation file (victorr2007),
- more mouse interaction with system tray,
- remove already fixed Qt bug workarounds,
- use Qt5 JSON parser instead of Json11,
- add Toast notifications for Android,
- simplify LineEdit using Qt 5.2 API,
- remove SoundCloud and ProstoPleer,
- use "QCommandLineParser".
- Windows 64-bit (Vista x64 and higher)
- Windows 32-bit (recommended for Windows XP)
- Ubuntu 16.04 and higher or Mint 18 or higher 64-bit
- macOS Sierra 64-bit
- Source code
Portable version for Windows
- create empty file
(without file extension) near theQMPlay2.exe
Other downloads (some packages might have limited features):
Windows build:
- uses kode54 version of Game-Music-Emu
- includes 32-bit msvcr100.dll for
Ubuntu/Mint 64-bit package contains shared libraries:
- Qt 5.6.3 + dbus menubar patches from 5.7.x and 5.9.x.
- FFmpeg 3.3.5,
- libass 0.14.0.
c277de41093f4a8b87a767ffa0fe85f4c86c646a - QMPlay2-Win64-17.12.11.exe
ee048c4a1fa4496a062b3d9594eff5ebb37cebc2 - QMPlay2-Win32-17.12.11.exe
908442090c5913067411acb181d01111a993319b - QMPlay2-src-17.12.11.tar.xz
e870b2438c5c0ac5e8e9c3671776998e0ad56f43 - qmplay2-ubuntu-amd64-17.12.11-1.deb
bd5f3d752f3d634291b3d51c0e907d2dd931d802 - QMPlay2-macOS-17.12.11.dmg