QMPlay2 18.04.01
This release is not compatible with FFmpeg 4.0. Please use source code from git!
- Enable audio fade in/out on play/stop for video contents,
- fix problems with playlist quick sync,
- update Hungarian translation file,
- update for Wbijam changes,
- fix proxy on Windows.
- Windows 64-bit (Vista x64 and higher)
- Windows 32-bit (recommended for Windows XP)
- Ubuntu 16.04, 16.10, 17.04, 17.10, 18.04 or Mint 18 64-bit
- macOS Sierra 64-bit
- Source code
Portable version for Windows
- create empty file
(without file extension) near theQMPlay2.exe
Other downloads (some packages might have limited features):
Windows build:
- uses kode54 version of Game-Music-Emu
- includes 32-bit msvcr100.dll for
Ubuntu/Mint 64-bit package contains shared libraries:
- Qt 5.6.3 + dbus menubar patches from 5.7.x and 5.9.x.
- FFmpeg 3.3.6,
- libass 0.14.0.
94ac5843515bbe9d34e453bda44728edac7d9c3f - QMPlay2-Win64-18.04.01.exe
5ab3d2076fb9bc295fb7d60156aaaacda40ff4ff - QMPlay2-Win32-18.04.01.exe
923fb924a594181fd5bcf4d5328b867cb28cdf07 - QMPlay2-src-18.04.01.tar.xz
39a74ac1097b5ca86d2b9bc6c584ec63d0ea22c4 - qmplay2-ubuntu-amd64-18.04.01-2.deb
ba0eaabb83573e86040f79ac2523a893e9965321 - QMPlay2-macOS-18.04.01.dmg