Synchronize files and folders locally by glob patterns, watch option included.
npm i -D copy-and-watch
copy-and-watch [options] <sources> <target>
--watch - enable file watcher
--clean - clean target folder on start
--skip-initial-copy - skip copying files initially, only copy if they change. Must be used with `--watch` argument.
You may have some build script in your package.json involving mirroring folders (let's say, static assets), that's a good use-case for copy-and-watch
"devDependencies": {
"copy-and-watch": "latest"
"scripts": {
"build": "copy-and-watch src/**/*.{html,json} src/**/fonts/* dist/",
"watch": "copy-and-watch --watch src/**/*.{html,json} src/**/{fonts,images}/* dist/"
- Check file existence before removal (by mt3o)
- Added support for
argument (by mugli)
- Fixed copy on dir bug (by arnarthor)