Basic starter kit for gulp development. Included Sass, Less, Jade, HTML, Eslint, and browserSync.
Based on gulp-starter-kit by cjies.
The main Gulp tasks that included in gulp/tasks
- browserSync - BrowserSync
- deploy - Deploy Allthings
- development - Build Dev Code with Dev Server
- production - Build Production Code
- watch - Gulp Watch
- server - Run a Express-dev-server
- css - Compile CSS with autoprefixer & minify
- sass - libSass Compiler, support autoprefixer & Compass Mixins
- less - Less Compiler, also support autoprefixer & Compass Mixins
- scripts - JS, support concat & uglify.
- lint - Linter with Eslint, config in
- vendor - Vendor for JS & CSS (will be bundled into each single file)
- html - HTML Watcher, support minify
- jade - Jade Template Compiler, support ignore underscore file
- images - Images minify
- fonts - move fonts from static to build folder
- locales - minify JSON
- gzip - Gzip for
- test - Unit Test with Karma
All Gulp config are written in gulp/tasks/config.js
Dev, Prod & Watch's tasks can be configured in the end of config.js.
npm install
Running Dev server
npm start
Building Production Code
npm run build
Run Unit Test
npm run test
Karma config file: tests/karma.config.js
MIT © GSS Front End Department