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BhumikaDatamatics edited this page Jul 2, 2024 · 15 revisions
01  splash screen

Splash screen

Splash screen shows up once user downloads and launches the app for the first time. The Bebbo and heart logo is displayed as an animation in the screen, and it remains the same for all countries.

Bebbo would like to send you notifications message pops up for iOS users. User can accept or ignore the message.

Next pop up is to ask user’s permission to track the activity. Collected information will be sent to Firebase for further analysis. No events will be collected if user does not allow tracking.

Country language confirmation03  country selection04  language selection

Country and language selection screens

Country and language selection screens come first in the app, so that the app contents can load in the selected language variation. Currently there are 14 countries and 24 languages/variations.

- Country and language lists are hardcoded in the mobile app’s source code. App detects the mobile device's default language and uses it for the UI.

Welcome screen will be displayed with suggested country and language. String and labels will also be displayed in the english language. If Country or language is not detected by the app, then ROTW-English will be selected as a default Country-language. Here are some screen specifics:
Name of countries are displayed in English and in country’s default language.

- User can select preferred country by clicking on the edit icon.

Select preferrd Country and click on the continue button to select language.

- Select your language screen shows the related languages to the selected country.

- User can select a single option in both the screens.

- New release must be published in case new country support is needed in mobile apps. Language specific strings are hardcoded in the mobile apps to support all screens text in selected languages.

- Country or language can also be changed from the Settings screen in online mode. The content will be reloaded if a new language is selected and the previously downloaded content will be deleted. User generated data will remain on the app.

- Dynamic country or language are on the "Embedded content in AppCode" tab.

- Below APIs will be called after country and language selection:


e.g: languageId = en, countryID = 126 (for Rest of the World - English)

walkthrough and terms & conditions

walkthrough and Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions screen is displayed in the selected language with intro of the main app modules and is available on offline mode. It is required to check first and second checkboxes that prove acceptance of Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy of Bebbo in order to proceed with viewing Bebbo content.

11  loading (with logos)

Loading screen

Images of sponsors and national partners are displayed as per selected country. UI elements remain the same for all countries except images of sponsors & images of national partners.

While on this screen, app content except embedded media will be downloaded in the background. Below APIs will be called to load the content:
- /api/surveys/{{languageId}}
- /api/faqs/{{languageId}}
- /api/daily-homescreen-messages/{{languageId}}
- /api/milestones/{{languageId}}
- /api/child-development-data/{{languageId}}
- /api/vaccinations/{{languageId}}
- /api/health-checkup-data/{{languageId}}
- /api/standard_deviation/{{languageId}}
- /api/faqs/{{languageId}}
- /api/activities/{{languageId}}
- /api/video-articles/{{languageId}}

12  enter child data15  add brother sisterIMG_9829

Enter child & parent details

Users see two options to create child profile(s).

1. They can add child and parent data manually. UI elements may vary based on user’s selection.
- Add DOB in the past or present.
- Check “Baby born prematurely” checkbox if baby was born earlier than 37 weeks of pregnancy.
- Add original due date. It is a date when parents expected child to be born.
- Enter child’s name.
- Select gender.
- Add relationship to the child. Gender selection will be added if you choose other caregiver or service provider.
- Add expected due date in future. (In this case, “Baby born prematurely” checkbox is disabled)

2. Import data. They can upload previously stored app profile from Google drive or local file system and import it.

Click continue button once profile is ready. In a new screen user can edit or add new child details. Click continue to finish onboarding process. Loading screen will be displayed. Content will be downloaded according to entered child details based on the child age (child's current month) and gender. Newborn child data will be downloaded if user entered future date. Previous age periods’ content will not be downloaded but future a few proceeding age periods’ content will download.

Below are the field validations:**
Child DOB/expected due date – required field. User can select past/present/future date. If the selected date is in the past or present, then it is considered as a child DOB. If it is in the future, then it is considered as an expected due date. In the past user is allowed to select date only up to 6 years but in future up to 9 months.
Baby born prematurely – optional field.

Original due date – required field. It should be later than the child DOB and up to DOB plus six months. Child is premature if it was born before 37 weeks of pregnancy. Child will not be considered as premature if he or she was born between 38-42nd week of pregnancy. This information is provided when user taps on the (i) icon.

The difference between original (expected) and actual birth date should be at least 4 weeks if parent marks baby as premature. User can skip the child add form by clicking on the skip. it will auto create child profile for users and proceed further.

19  side menu

Side menu

Side menu contains below menu items:
Home, Notifications, Tools (Child development, Vaccination, Health check-ups and Child’s growth), Chat, Favorites, Settings, Share, User guide, About us, Write to us, Feedback, Bebbo? Rate it, Privacy Policy, Donate for Bebbo (only available in Greek)


Home screen

Header bar
- User can select active child by clicking Baby image on top right corner and tap a child from the list.
- Bell icon displays received notifications.
- Edit button is available to update or delete user’s profile. User will see an option to add child data if he or she has entered pregnancy details like due date and opens app after due date.

Content area contains:
- Current month’s development period details and related videos. Placeholder image will be displayed if used in offline mode.
- Daily reads section to show 2 today's game and today's advice as per child age. Every day articles and activities are displayed from the different categories. Child age specific content may not be visible if user opens app on offline mode.
- Daily notification
- Child’s development banner to redirect user to the Child development screen.
- Games banner to redirect user to the Games screen.
- Advice banner to redirect user to the Advice screen.
- Tools (child’s growth, vaccination, and health check-up) buttons to redirect user to an appropriate tool.
- Survey button to redirect user to a Google form to fill the survey details.

A button to take survey is displayed on home screen when there is an internet connection. It opens Bebbo user survey screen in Google docs. The URL is configured in the backend.

Bottom navigation bar
It is available throughout the application to let user navigate to the Home, Games, Tools, Advice and Development screens. Tools menu displays links to Vaccination, Health check-ups and Child’s growth screens.

User will see a popup message, “Do you wish to sync data now?”, to download the latest data if app was started on offline mode and good network is detected after landing on home page.
The same applies when the child is about to move next age period and app has not downloaded the relevant content.

21  Advice

Advice screen

Several advice articles including video articles are displayed in the screen where user can select or unselect one or more category buttons. The screen has a pop-up message for the first-time users "To choose Advices of your interest click on the relevant buttons or search for keywords". Single video article will be displayed after each 5 articles. Articles can be filtered by selecting one of the six categories. User can also switch category from the same screen or select multiple categories at the same time. User can search any keyword within the articles (growth, dev period, vaccine, and HC).
- Advice screen displays articles according to the child data.
- Advice articles for the 1st month are displayed if user has not added child data but added pregnancy details.
- User can share articles with friends via available social media networks or messages.
- Adding to favorites will pin the article to favorites screen.
- Three related articles are displayed in total.


Application downloads all images which are displayed on Advice screen if user has internet connection. Images will be downloaded if they are not already in the cache.

24  Advice (search results)

Search in Advice screen

- User can search any word in the Advice screen. The results will show matching articles that have been previously downloaded.
- Search is performed only on the active categories. By default, all categories are active unless any one of the categories is selected.

- Search results has been improved using mini search library which is also support fuzzy search.

last 5 search history is displayed for quick selection.

25  Article

Advice article details

- Advice articles include title, image, summary, and body text.
- Related articles will be displayed at the end of the articles. The link to related articles is set in CMS. The app displays random advice articles from the same category if related articles are not set.
- Related video articles are displayed afterwards if there are any published. The link to related video articles is set in CMS. The app displays random video articles from the same category if related video articles are not set.
- At the bottom of the screen user can select advice categories. Tapping on one of the categories takes user to the Advice screen and articles will be filtered by the selected category.
- User can share article details with friends via available social media networks or via messages.
- Adding to favorites will pin the article to the favorites screen.

68  Notifications


Notifications are designed for alerting users on important vaccinations and health check-ups based on the national calendar and to remind them on adding measurements and tracking developmental.
- Notifications are divided into the following groups: Child’s growth, Child development, Vaccination, Health check-ups.
- Notification link redirects user to a related development tool screen.
- Single or multiple notifications can be deleted at a time.
- User can mark notification as read and notification count will be reduced.
- Each notification is pushed to the device on the date it is scheduled.
- User can enable/disable notifications in Settings
- All text messages are set in the language file. And message configuration (vaccine name, age period) comes from the CMS and downloaded via APIs.

Notification up are received on different times based on the type:

Period Notification text Timing based on Child Age taxonomy Redirect to
1st month to 12 months periods Update growth measures At the end of the age period (if not already entered) Add new measurement
For 13-18 months and onwards Update growth measures Add new measurement
Update growth measures At the end of the age period and every 2 months for periods longer than 3 months (if not already entered) Add new measurement
:- :-
Period Notification text Timing based on Vacc. Age Period taxonomy Redirect to
1st month to 12 months periods Schedule a visit to the doctor At the beginning of the vaccination age period Health Check-up Add Reminder
In this period (child name) should receive vaccine: At the beginning of the vaccination age period Vaccination, Upcoming tab
For 13-18 months and onwards Schedule a visit to the doctor At the beginning of the vaccination age period Health Check-up Add Reminder
In this period (child name) should receive vaccine: At the beginning of the vaccination age period Vaccination, Upcoming tab

Please note, notification configuration for the vaccination and health checkup should be taken from the Vaccination Age Periods taxonomy in the CMS while for growth and child development, the configuration from the Child Age taxonomy is used.

**User set reminder notifications**

User can set up reminder notifications for Vaccinations and Health check-ups. These are received at the date and time set by the user. Each reminder adds 3 notifications:

- First at a time of reminder setup.

- Second at a time of reminder execution.

- Third at a time of scheduled vaccination (VC) or health check-up (HC).

When user sets a reminder, its details will be accessible on Vaccination and Health Check-up screens by using the edit button. While editing the reminder user can also delete it.

54  Health check-up (set reminder filled out) copy

Setting up a reminder

Pair of date time pickers are used to set up a reminder: one is for the time of vaccination or health check-up and another one is for the reminder.

Example: Let’s say today user sets up reminder for 10th of March and has scheduled VC on 15th of March. So below notifications will be generated:

1. Today user will see the reminder notification in the notifications screen. Below message will be shown on Notifications screen: "Reminder has been set for the vaccination on 10th March".

2. On 10th of March user will see one local notification and one notification on the Notifications screen. Below message will be shown on local notification and notifications screen: "Vaccination has been scheduled on 15th March".

3. On 15th of March user will see another notification to add VC details. Below message will be shown on the Notifications screen: "Vaccination has been scheduled on 15th March, Please enter vaccination details".

On the Vaccination and Health Check-up screens, both dates are displayed.

77  Chatbot


This feature allows users to communicate with Bebbo in interactive way to find answers for their questions. It provides additional level of support for parents**.** The feature works on online or offline modes. Chatbot asks questions in sequence:

1. First main categories are asked.

2. Concern areas are displayed.

3. Question list is displayed.

4. User can select any questions and accordingly answer is displayed.

5. Some answers redirect user to a specific article.

6. Suggested answers have the options to go back to a previous selection.

57  Child development (progress)

Tools: Child development

- Selection bar is displayed on top for each development period, so user can check milestones for other months.
- Default development period is different for the premature child.
- Small badge is displayed for a premature child.**
- Child development period video is shown.
- Status of the development period milestone with completed % is displayed.
- List of milestones are present with checkboxes. User can click on a checkbox to mark it as complete or vice versa.
- Most milestones have related video, games, and related advice articles to suggest how parents can support achieve them.
- Adjusted development period should display in case child was born prematurely.

40  Vaccination (previous)

Tools: Vaccination

- Vaccination summary is displayed on top of the screen.
- List of upcoming and previous age periods’ vaccinations are displayed in two tabs : Upcoming and Previous
- ‘Enter vaccination data’ button takes sure to New vaccination entry form
- Most vaccines are linked to a related article
- Set vaccination reminder’ button takes to Set reminder form
- User can edit/delete the already added vaccination details.
- User can edit existing vaccination reminders. Delete button is also available on the Edit reminder screen.
- Overdue vaccines are marked with an alerting icon

48  Health check-up (upcoming)

Tools: Health Check-ups

- List of past and upcoming health check-ups are displayed.
- Set health check-up reminder button is available for the current health check-ups.
- User can edit existing health check-up reminders. Delete button is also available on the Edit reminder screen.
- User can add/update/delete Doctor visit data (height, weight, vaccinations details).
- Related advice articles are available for each checkup.
- Additional health check-ups can be added - if current age period has a check up entered, then following ones are considered as additional checkups for that period.

Vaccination and health check-up validations:
- Vaccine can be only given at a time of health checkup. But Health checkup may or may not have vaccination.
- Vaccination remains red until user selects it as “received” in specific period. Once it is checked for the period color will turn to green.
- Vaccination details are linked with the health check-up. When user enters vaccination details it also asks for the health check-up details to be updated.
- Health check-up remains red until user fills all the details except doctor’s comment. Once user has entered all the required details including measurement and vaccination (if it’s linked to the health check-up) it will be marked as green.
- All entered details (measurement or vaccination) on the health check-up will be synced with their respective tools.

35  Child's growth (weight for height) (1)

Tools: Child’s growth

- Child’s birth notification is displayed on top to remind parent if birth details are not added
- Growth chart logic is different for the premature child.
- If child is premature, small badge is displayed to suggest provided information is based on premature**
- Growth measurements are displayed in 2 charts: Weight for height and Height for age
- Last recorded measurement is displayed on the screen.
- User can see all measurements in a list that is also the first step to add/update/delete previous records.

- User can add a new measurement.
- Related advice articles are displayed below measurement details for non-premature child on Child’s growth screen.

Info based on measurements:
- Marker will be displayed on the chart based on entered measurement if child is not premature.
- Summary is displayed for both charts as per standard deviation data.
- Child’s actual age is considered based on due date if child is premature.
- Both the charts along with summary will be displayed.
- Interpreted text is displayed based on below calculations.

Height for weight and weight for height
1. Between sd2neg and sd2 - It will display good interpretations text.
2. Between sd2neg and sd3neg - Display warning interpretations text.
3. Less than sd3neg - Emergency interpretations text will be displayed.
4. Between sd2 and sd3 - Display warning interpretations text.
5. Greater than sd3- Emergency interpretations text will be displayed.

Add a measurement:
Pop-up message is added to guide user on height weight add screen.

The minimum and maximum values come from WHO growth charts for children 0-5 years old.
- Allowed max weight is 29kg
- Allowed max height is 126 cm

28  Games (suggested for premature)


- Games are grouped by age period, the current for the child is selected by default. If user has entered pregnancy details, 1st month is selected automatically.
- 4 different game domains (socio-emotional, cognitive, language and communication, motor) are available to filter games
- Games are linked to milestones so users can see which games support achievement of a milestone. Pending milestone linked games are displayed on top as recommended games with Track Milestone link which redirects to development milestone screen. Games which are related to non-complete milestone is displayed as suggested and other games are displayed down below.
- Game period selection logic is different for a premature child.
- Small badge is displayed for a premature child.
- User can share games with friends via available social media network or via messages.
- Games can be added to favorites screen.

App fetches all domains, tags and games and stores in the mobile database for later use. When any update is available, app fetches changes and saves them on the database.

30  Game

Game details

- Title, summary, its contents and images are displayed.

- User can share games with friends via available social media network or via messages.
- Related Games section displays other games which are linked on the CMS. If some related games are not previously downloaded in the app, they will not be displayed. If no game is linked on the CMS, it displays random games from the same category appropriate for the age. Total of three related games are displayed.

- There is an option to switch to other games in other categories.

58  Child and parent profile

Child details management

- User can view all children’s details with links to editing or switching between profiles.

- Activated child is displayed on top.
- User can add a sister/brother or an expected child.
- Parent’s details are shown in the bottom section along with edit button.
- Name can be up to 30 characters.

59  Edit child's profile

Add/edit child

- Profile picture can be added once user gives permission to access phone’s camera or gallery. When user clicks on add or Update child photo, camera and gallery options will be displayed to add a pictures. Users can select a camera option to capture the photo and set it as a child’s picture. Users can select a gallery option to pick any photo from the mobile app’s gallery and set it as a child picture. Child photos are saved in a mobile app so users can add/update/delete them anytime. Camera and gallery pictures are not exported or imported from the backup file.

- Form is displayed to enter child data such as name, gender, and birth details.
- Delete button is available on top right corner on “Edit child’s profile” screen. Last child data can’t be deleted.
- Any child data modification requires app content or tools data to be updated.

70  Settings


- User can enable or disable app notifications all together or those linked to a specific tool.

- Data saver mode is available for users who do not want to download media and just want to see the content.
- Download update button is present in case user wants to download any updated content manually. (Otherwise the app regularly downloads any updates to the existing content as per defined periodicity and also downloads content for the new age period child enters)
- Download all data button is also available to download all advice articles and images for the complete offline mode.
- Change country and language section works when user has internet connection. It downloads data for all children based on selected country and language. Old language content will be purged. User will be redirected to the home screen once process is complete.

- Import/export functionality can be done using Google Drive or file manager. The backup file includes favorites & child data. Growth, development period, HC, HC/VC reminder data can be imported in any languages, but vaccination data will only be imported in the same language as it was exported.

65  Favorites


The feature purpose is to save content to easily access them later. Each article and game has a star icon button to add them to the Favorites and to remove.

- Favorites screen displays Advice articles and Games in two different tabs accordingly.
- User can share an advice article or a game with friends via available social media networks or via messages.
- Items can be removed from the Favorites screen by clicking Remove button.

81  Share

Sharing content

This feature is used to share the link to the app store or to a specific content via common channels including SMS, social networks, and messengers.

Users can share links to App Store and Play Store by clicking on the share icon on the about us page or from the side menu. App URL is hardcoded in a mobile app. This feature increases the app popularity and increases its users. For Android and iOS different links are configured in the mobile app.
- Users can also share specific articles and games by clicking on the Share button provided. There are some constraints: Shared article or game is opened in the other user device if the same child age data is available. If it's not available, then no article data popup is displayed.

- If the app is not installed in the device, then the user is redirected to the respective stores to download the app.

82  Youtube (how-to videos)

User guide

User guide takes parents to the YouTube videos or a text-based manual in the selected language. The link can be defined in the CMS.



There are two types of web forms translated into each language.
User Survey is used for collecting information on users' knowledge on parenting and their usage patterns.
Feedback is used for receiving feedback on the app.