v22.01.03 [SL] [BCC] [Classic Era]
- fixed widened embedded tooltips (like in WorldQuestTracker)
- fixed flickering border color of compare item tooltips
- fixed sometimes displaying 2 borders simultaneously (some items, especially azerite/corrupted items or torghast AreaPOIPin)
- added styling of battle pet and battle pet ability tooltips
- changes regarding config option "Special->Enable ChatFrame Hover Hyperlinks":
- fixed hooking/unhooking of chatframe if toggling option
- added mouseover for guild/community->chat, battle pets, battle pet abilities and illusions (from Wardrobe)
- added class border color for member list in guild/community->chat and guild/community->guild roster if config option "Colors->Color Tip Border by Class Color" is checked
- changes regarding (added) config options under "ItemRef":
- added border color for spells, tradeskills, currencies (in chatframe), achievements, guild challenges (in guild/community->info) and pvp enlistment bonus (in pvp->quick match)
- added border color and infos for battle pet, battle pet abilities, (world) quests in worldmap/questlog/questtracker, trade skill reagents (in TradeSkillUI), toys (in ToyBox), items and illusions (in Wardrobe), currencies, achievements in guild/community->info->news, rewards in quest(log)/LFG-browser, runeforge power (in adventure journal), conduits
- fixed "Smart Icon Appearance" for mounts and mount equipment (in mount journal), items (in adventure journal), spells and items (in guild/community->perks)
- added scroll frame to config options. the scroll bar appears automatically, if content doesn't fit completely on the page.
thx to @hobulian for further feedback and hints