Bipedal robotics leg controller for stability oriented tasks. Control algorithms implemented in ROS2 with hooks into gazebo for simulation capability.
Two layer model predictive controller used to control the robot. Long horizon Center-Of-Mass controller using Linear Inverted Pendulum Model with ZMP criteria and short horizon full-body controller using dynamic differential programming []. More detailed WIP doccumentation can be found at: []
Hardware independent testing done on commercial-of-the-shelf bipedal robots. Testing with unitree g1 URDF description: []
Recommended to install in linux environment. WSL and VMs both seem to work.
ros-jazzy [see installation guide]
gz-harmonic []
CLI install For ROS
sudo apt-get install ros-jazzy-robot-state-publisher
sudo apt-get install ros-jazzy-rviz
sudo apt-get install ros-jazzy-ros-gz-bridge
Python Packages. Recommended to setup virtual environment for python which needs special configuration to work with ROS (
pip install numpy
pip install crocoddyl
pip install scipy
pip install pyYAML
pip install empy==3.3.4
pip install -U catkin_pkg
pip install lark