git clone
cd gym-quadruped
pip install -e . # This will install the package in editable mode
from gym_quadruped.quadruped_env import QuadrupedEnv
robot_name = "mini_cheetah" # "aliengo", "mini_cheetah", "go2", "hyqreal", ...
scene_name = "flat"
robot_feet_geom_names = dict(FL='FL', FR='FR', RL='RL', RR='RR')
robot_leg_joints = dict(FL=['FL_hip_joint', 'FL_thigh_joint', 'FL_calf_joint', ], # TODO: Make configs per robot.
FR=['FR_hip_joint', 'FR_thigh_joint', 'FR_calf_joint', ],
RL=['RL_hip_joint', 'RL_thigh_joint', 'RL_calf_joint', ],
RR=['RR_hip_joint', 'RR_thigh_joint', 'RR_calf_joint', ])
state_observables_names = tuple(QuadrupedEnv.ALL_OBS) # return all available state observables
env = QuadrupedEnv(robot='mini_cheetah',
legs_joint_names=robot_leg_joints, # Joint names of the legs DoF
feet_geom_name=robot_feet_geom_names, # Geom/Frame id of feet
ref_base_lin_vel=0.5, # Constant magnitude of reference base linear velocity [m/s]
base_vel_command_type="forward", # "forward", "random", "forward+rotate", "human"
state_obs_names=state_observables_names, # Desired quantities in the 'state'
obs = env.reset()
for _ in range(10000):
action = env.action_space.sample() * 50 # Sample random action
state, reward, is_terminated, is_truncated, info = env.step(action=action)
if is_terminated:
# Do some stuff
The end idea of this package is to be able to have a Mujoco Gym Environment to test model-based and learnign controllers for locomotion in controlled environments with shared metrics (e.g., energy efficiency, robustness, etc.)
The core principles should be:
- We (will) use
to load the robot URDF/SDF files and create the Mujoco model. - We programatically generate terrains and obstacles to test the robot in different scenarios.
- We offer a suit of metrics to evaluate and compare the performance of different controllers with a simple API.
- THIS IS A LIGHTWEIGHT PACKAGE. all custom stuff should be defined elsewhere.
- We will publish datasets of expert model-based/learning controlled trajectories using LeRobot (project structure inherited from them) and Huggingface API.
At some point we should generate mujoco jax versions of the environments for simulation and data-collection in GPU.
Death to C++
Att: Giulio Turrisi