released this
07 Dec 12:19
[2.0.2] - 2023-12-07
Added nu, ng, and nh setters for Python bindings in #1192
Added in #1188
Supported nu==0 in actuation models in #1188
Included Python bindings for Crocoddyl exceptions by cmastalli in #1186
Updated cmake submodule update by jcarpentier in #1186
Fixed getters for contraints bounds by skleff1994 in #1180
Extended solver abstract and callbacks for arbitrary solvers by cmastalli in #1179
Fixed the check of pair_id in collision residual by ArthurH91 in #1178
Exploited control-residual structure when computing Lu, Luu by cmastalli in #1176
Added LWA fram convention and introduced different axis for 1d contacts by skleff1994 in #1172
Python bindings for setting control bounds by cmastalli in #1171
Fixed missed scalar in cost sum and activation data by cmastalli in #1165
Added actuation unit tests by cmastalli in #1161
Introduced method for obtaining the dimension of floating-bases by cmastalli in #1160
Fixed set_reference in state residual by cmastalli in #1158
Enabled CONDA CI jobs with CppADCodeGen by cmastalli in #1156
Added other CI jobs by cmastalli in #1152
Fixed compiltation issue when building with CppADCodeGen by cmastalli in #1151
Fixed include order used in frames.cpp by ManifoldFR in #1150
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