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Decompiling your first function

Mark Street edited this page Mar 2, 2021 · 5 revisions


NOTE: The following assumes you've already run through the Quickstart and are able to get build/chunk0.bin: OK when compiling chunk0.

We are working with chunk0 as this is the game logic and is the most accessible place to begin.


The general steps are as follows, and these will make up headings for the rest of this section

  1. Identify a file you wish to work on
  2. Identify a function within the file to start with (either the first one, or the smallest is a good place to begin)
  3. Update n64splat configuration and re-extract if required (if the file does not exist in src/)
  4. Run mips2c locally (or online) to generate some c code
  5. Replace the GLOBAL_ASM("asm/nonmatching/code_123/func_1234") with the c code
  6. Run asm-differ to check for differences
  7. Modify C code until it matches
  8. Update unknown_syms.txt with any new variable offsets
  9. Run make and ensure you get build/chunk0.bin: OK

Identify a file you wish to work on

There are two scenarios:

  • You are working on a function in existing C file
  • You are working on a function in a file that does not have a C file associated with it

For this example, let's assume we want to work on a file that is yet to be migrated to C - asm/code_40D90.s

Identify a function within the file to start with

There are three scenarios:

  • You are looking at a function in assembly (.s)
  • You are looking at a #pragma GLOBAL_ASM(... line
  • You are looking at a partially-decompiled function

For this example, we are looking at asm/code_40D90.s, and we will work with the first function func_15040D90 which looks like this:

glabel func_15040D90
/* 40D90 15040D90 AFA40000 */  sw         $a0, ($sp)
/* 40D94 15040D94 03E00008 */  jr         $ra
/* 40D98 15040D98 00000000 */   nop       

NOTE: This is almost the simplest function you'll encounter - most function's aren't going to be this easy!

Update n64splat configuration and re-extract if required

If your function is defined in an existing C file, there's no splat configuration to change and you can skip the next section.

If there is no C file, then you will need to update the splat configuration and re-run the split command.

Updating n64splat configuration and extracting again

We've decided that we wish to work on func_15040D90 within asm/code_40D90.s.Let's assume a snippet of our looks like

    - [0x40350, "c"]
    - [0x40D90, "asm"] # our function is in this section of the ROM
    - [0x412C0, "asm"]
    - [0x42D50, "c"]

We know that there is no C file associated with this function for two reasons:

  1. The function was found within asm/code_40D90.s (rather than nonmatching/code_40D90/func_15040D90.s)
  2. The yaml configuration for the parent file, 0x40D90, has its type set to "asm" rather than "c"

We need to modify the configuration - simply changing "asm" to "c":

    - [0x40350, "c"]
    - [0x40D90, "c"] # we changed this line
    - [0x412C0, "asm"]
    - [0x42D50, "c"]

Then when we run make extract again, it will tell us that it has created a C file for us:

$ make extract OK
python3 ../tools/n64splat/ .
Wrote code_40D90 to ./src/code_40D90.c
Split 2 MB (100.00%) in defined segments
                code:     2 MB (100.00%) 2 split, 0 cached
             unknown:      0 B (0.00%) from unknown bin files

If we take a look at that file, we can see that it has a number of GLOBAL_ASM lines; these are used to include the raw assembly file within the C file.

#include <ultra64.h>
#include "functions.h"
#include "variables.h"

#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/nonmatchings/code_40D90/func_15040D90.s")

#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/nonmatchings/code_40D90/func_15040D9C.s")

#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/nonmatchings/code_40D90/func_15040FCC.s")

#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/nonmatchings/code_40D90/func_1504129C.s")

NOTE: All functions in the original assembly file asm/code_40D90.s are now split out into asm/nonmatchings/code_40D90/!

We should run make here to confirm that we can still build a matching ROM

$ make

build/chunk0.bin: OK

Now that we have confirmed the code matches, we need to take a copy of the build directory to be used as a 'golden source' to compare against as we try to decompile:

mkdir -p expected
cp -r build expected/

We are now ready to start decompiling the function.

Run mips2c on the assembly file

For simplicity, we will use mips2c online. Paste the function into the MIPS assembly: section, and click Decompile. You should get the following output on screen:

void func_15040D90(s32 arg0) {


Replace the GLOBAL_ASM with C code

This is as easy as replacing the GLOBAL_ASM line with the code (tip: comment out the #pragma in case you cannot get things to match!):

#include <ultra64.h>
#include "functions.h"
#include "variables.h"

// #pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/nonmatchings/code_40D90/func_15040D90.s")
void func_15040D90(s32 arg0) {


#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/nonmatchings/code_40D90/func_15040D9C.s")

#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/nonmatchings/code_40D90/func_15040FCC.s")

#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/nonmatchings/code_40D90/func_1504129C.s")

Run asm-differ to check for differences

The asm-differ tool can take a few different arguments, we will be using -mwo3 which basically means "watch for changes and automatically recompile, only work on the affected function rather than whole project, and show the previous diff".

in order to run asm-differ against func_15040D90 we run:

python3 ../tools/asm-differ/ -mwo3 func_15040D90

If it complains Please ensure an OK .o file exists at "expected/build/src/code_40D90.o". be sure you copied build into expected/.

You should be greeted with the following (left is original, right is your code):

TARGET                                              CURRENT                                           PREVIOUS
0:    sw      a0,0(sp)                              0:    sw      a0,0(sp)
4:    jr      ra                                    4:    jr      ra
8:    nop                                           8:    nop
c:    addiu   sp,sp,-8                              c:    addiu   sp,sp,-8
10:    lui     t1,0x800c                            10:    lui     t1,0x800c
14:    lui     t2,0x8003                            14:    lui     t2,0x8003
18:    addiu   t2,t2,-0x5518                        18:    addiu   t2,t2,-0x5518
1c:    addiu   t1,t1,-0x1640                        1c:    addiu   t1,t1,-0x1640
20:    sw      s0,4(sp)                             20:    sw      s0,4(sp)

There are no differences!

Modify C code until it matches

Here we will pick a slightly more complicated function, func_150792FC.

Start by feeding this assembly into mips2c online.

glabel func_150792FC
/* 792FC 150792FC 3C03800D */  lui        $v1, 0x800d
/* 79300 15079300 2463154C */  addiu      $v1, $v1, 0x154c
/* 79304 15079304 8C620000 */  lw         $v0, ($v1)
/* 79308 15079308 3C19800D */  lui        $t9, 0x800d
/* 7930C 1507930C 944E02F8 */  lhu        $t6, 0x2f8($v0)
/* 79310 15079310 31CFFFF8 */  andi       $t7, $t6, 0xfff8
/* 79314 15079314 A44F02F8 */  sh         $t7, 0x2f8($v0)
/* 79318 15079318 8C620000 */  lw         $v0, ($v1)
/* 7931C 1507931C 93391890 */  lbu        $t9, 0x1890($t9)
/* 79320 15079320 945802F8 */  lhu        $t8, 0x2f8($v0)
/* 79324 15079324 03194025 */  or         $t0, $t8, $t9
/* 79328 15079328 A44802F8 */  sh         $t0, 0x2f8($v0)
/* 7932C 1507932C 03E00008 */  jr         $ra
/* 79330 15079330 00000000 */   nop       

We get the following output:

void *func_150792FC(void) {
    void *temp_v0;
    void *temp_v0_2;

    temp_v0_2 = *(void *)0x800D154C;
    temp_v0_2->unk2F8 = (u16) (temp_v0_2->unk2F8 & 0xFFF8);
    temp_v0 = *(void *)0x800D154C;
    temp_v0->unk2F8 = (u16) (temp_v0->unk2F8 | *(void *)0x800D1890);
    return temp_v0;

We need to fix up syntax, first replace these with variable names (current format is D_ + address - until we know what the variable is for, and can start naming them). Therefore:

  • *(void *)0x800D154C -> D_800D154C
void *func_150792FC(void) {
    void *temp_v0;
    void *temp_v0_2;

    temp_v0_2 = D_800D154C;
    temp_v0_2->unk2F8 = (u16) (temp_v0_2->unk2F8 & 0xFFF8);
    temp_v0 = D_800D154C;
    temp_v0->unk2F8 = (u16) (temp_v0->unk2F8 | D_800D1890);
    return temp_v0;

This still won't compile, because we are trying to index into a void variable. We need to replace the void with the correct struct.

D_800D154C is already defined (you can find it in include/variables.h) and is a pointer to struct127.

  • replace void with struct127

Now we can save the following and see how close it is to matching:

void *func_150792FC(void) {
    struct127 *temp_v0;
    struct127 *temp_v0_2;

    temp_v0_2 = D_800D154C;
    temp_v0_2->unk2F8 = (u16) (temp_v0_2->unk2F8 & 0xFFF8);
    temp_v0 = D_800D154C;
    temp_v0->unk2F8 = (u16) (temp_v0->unk2F8 | D_800D1890);
    return temp_v0;

asm-differ output looks like this (easier to see in the console with colours):

TARGET                                              CURRENT                                           PREVIOUS
3ee0:    lui     t6,0x800d                        i 3ee0:    lui     t6,%hi(D_800D1890)
3ee4:    lui     t7,0x800d                        i 3ee4:    lui     t7,%hi(D_800D154C)
3ee8:    lw      t7,0x154c(t7)                    i 3ee8:    lw      t7,%lo(D_800D154C)(t7)
3eec:    lbu     t6,0x1890(t6)                    i 3eec:    lbu     t6,%lo(D_800D1890)(t6)
3ef0:    sb      t6,0x232(t7)                       3ef0:    sb      t6,0x232(t7)
3ef4:    jr      ra                                 3ef4:    jr      ra
3ef8:    nop                                        3ef8:    nop
3efc:    lui     v1,0x800d                        r 3efc:    lui     a1,%hi(D_800D154C)               3efc:    lui     v1,0x800d
3f00:    addiu   v1,v1,0x154c                     r 3f00:    addiu   a1,a1,%lo(D_800D154C)            3f00:    addiu   v1,v1,0x154c
3f04:    lw      v0,0(v1)                         r 3f04:    lw      v1,0(a1)                         3f04:    lw      v0,0(v1)
3f08:    lui     t9,0x800d                        r 3f08:    lui     t0,%hi(D_800D1890)               3f08:    lui     t9,0x800d
3f0c:    lhu     t6,0x2f8(v0)                     | 3f0c:    lw      t7,0x2f8(v1)                     3f0c:    lhu     t6,0x2f8(v0)
3f10:    andi    t7,t6,0xfff8                     r 3f10:    andi    t8,t7,0xfff8                     3f10:    andi    t7,t6,0xfff8
3f14:    sh      t7,0x2f8(v0)                     | 3f14:    sw      t8,0x2f8(v1)                     3f14:    sh      t7,0x2f8(v0)
3f18:    lw      v0,0(v1)                         r 3f18:    lw      v0,0(a1)                         3f18:    lw      v0,0(v1)
3f1c:    lbu     t9,0x1890(t9)                    r 3f1c:    lbu     t0,%lo(D_800D1890)(t0)           3f1c:    lbu     t9,0x1890(t9)
3f20:    lhu     t8,0x2f8(v0)                     | 3f20:    lw      t9,0x2f8(v0)                     3f20:    lhu     t8,0x2f8(v0)
3f24:    or      t0,t8,t9                         r 3f24:    or      t1,t9,t0                         3f24:    or      t0,t8,t9
                                                  > 3f28:    andi    t2,t1,0xffff                   -
3f28:    sh      t0,0x2f8(v0)                     | 3f2c:    sw      t2,0x2f8(v0)                     3f28:    sh      t0,0x2f8(v0)
3f2c:    jr      ra                                 3f30:    jr      ra
3f30:    nop                                        3f34:    nop

First thing to do is to remove the return. Generally (always?) returns involve a mv to v0, we do not have this here, so it's worth seeing whether that brings us closer (be sure to correct the return type in the signature):

void func_150792FC(void) {
    struct127 *temp_v0;
    struct127 *temp_v0_2;

    temp_v0_2 = D_800D154C;
    temp_v0_2->unk2F8 = (u16) (temp_v0_2->unk2F8 & 0xFFF8);
    temp_v0 = D_800D154C;
    temp_v0->unk2F8 = (u16) (temp_v0->unk2F8 | D_800D1890);

Check the diff:

TARGET                                              CURRENT                                           PREVIOUS
3ee0:    lui     t6,0x800d                        i 3ee0:    lui     t6,%hi(D_800D1890)
3ee4:    lui     t7,0x800d                        i 3ee4:    lui     t7,%hi(D_800D154C)
3ee8:    lw      t7,0x154c(t7)                    i 3ee8:    lw      t7,%lo(D_800D154C)(t7)
3eec:    lbu     t6,0x1890(t6)                    i 3eec:    lbu     t6,%lo(D_800D1890)(t6)
3ef0:    sb      t6,0x232(t7)                       3ef0:    sb      t6,0x232(t7)
3ef4:    jr      ra                                 3ef4:    jr      ra
3ef8:    nop                                        3ef8:    nop
3efc:    lui     v1,0x800d                        r 3efc:    lui     a0,%hi(D_800D154C)             r 3efc:    lui     a1,%hi(D_800D154C)
3f00:    addiu   v1,v1,0x154c                     r 3f00:    addiu   a0,a0,%lo(D_800D154C)          r 3f00:    addiu   a1,a1,%lo(D_800D154C)
3f04:    lw      v0,0(v1)                         r 3f04:    lw      v0,0(a0)                       r 3f04:    lw      v1,0(a1)
3f08:    lui     t9,0x800d                        r 3f08:    lui     t0,%hi(D_800D1890)
3f0c:    lhu     t6,0x2f8(v0)                     | 3f0c:    lw      t7,0x2f8(v0)                   | 3f0c:    lw      t7,0x2f8(v1)
3f10:    andi    t7,t6,0xfff8                     r 3f10:    andi    t8,t7,0xfff8
3f14:    sh      t7,0x2f8(v0)                     | 3f14:    sw      t8,0x2f8(v0)                   | 3f14:    sw      t8,0x2f8(v1)
3f18:    lw      v0,0(v1)                         r 3f18:    lw      v1,0(a0)                       r 3f18:    lw      v0,0(a1)
3f1c:    lbu     t9,0x1890(t9)                    r 3f1c:    lbu     t0,%lo(D_800D1890)(t0)
3f20:    lhu     t8,0x2f8(v0)                     | 3f20:    lw      t9,0x2f8(v1)                   | 3f20:    lw      t9,0x2f8(v0)
3f24:    or      t0,t8,t9                         r 3f24:    or      t1,t9,t0
                                                  > 3f28:    andi    t2,t1,0xffff
3f28:    sh      t0,0x2f8(v0)                     | 3f2c:    sw      t2,0x2f8(v1)                   | 3f2c:    sw      t2,0x2f8(v0)
3f2c:    jr      ra                                 3f30:    jr      ra
3f30:    nop                                        3f34:    nop

A large part of the matching process is adding or removing temporary variables. In this case, we can try removing the temporary variables, and reference the global D_800D154C directly (be sure to remove the temporary variable definitions too):

void func_150792FC(void) {
    D_800D154C->unk2F8 = (u16) (D_800D154C->unk2F8 & 0xFFF8);
    D_800D154C->unk2F8 = (u16) (D_800D154C->unk2F8 | D_800D1890);

Check diff:

TARGET                                              CURRENT                                           PREVIOUS
3ee0:    lui     t6,0x800d                        i 3ee0:    lui     t6,%hi(D_800D1890)
3ee4:    lui     t7,0x800d                        i 3ee4:    lui     t7,%hi(D_800D154C)
3ee8:    lw      t7,0x154c(t7)                    i 3ee8:    lw      t7,%lo(D_800D154C)(t7)
3eec:    lbu     t6,0x1890(t6)                    i 3eec:    lbu     t6,%lo(D_800D1890)(t6)
3ef0:    sb      t6,0x232(t7)                       3ef0:    sb      t6,0x232(t7)
3ef4:    jr      ra                                 3ef4:    jr      ra
3ef8:    nop                                        3ef8:    nop
3efc:    lui     v1,0x800d                        i 3efc:    lui     v1,%hi(D_800D154C)             r 3efc:    lui     a0,%hi(D_800D154C)
3f00:    addiu   v1,v1,0x154c                     i 3f00:    addiu   v1,v1,%lo(D_800D154C)          r 3f00:    addiu   a0,a0,%lo(D_800D154C)
3f04:    lw      v0,0(v1)                           3f04:    lw      v0,0(v1)                       r 3f04:    lw      v0,0(a0)
3f08:    lui     t9,0x800d                        r 3f08:    lui     t0,%hi(D_800D1890)
3f0c:    lhu     t6,0x2f8(v0)                     | 3f0c:    lw      t7,0x2f8(v0)
3f10:    andi    t7,t6,0xfff8                     r 3f10:    andi    t8,t7,0xfff8
3f14:    sh      t7,0x2f8(v0)                     | 3f14:    sw      t8,0x2f8(v0)
3f18:    lw      v0,0(v1)                           3f18:    lw      v0,0(v1)                       r 3f18:    lw      v1,0(a0)
3f1c:    lbu     t9,0x1890(t9)                    r 3f1c:    lbu     t0,%lo(D_800D1890)(t0)
3f20:    lhu     t8,0x2f8(v0)                     | 3f20:    lw      t9,0x2f8(v0)                   | 3f20:    lw      t9,0x2f8(v1)
3f24:    or      t0,t8,t9                         r 3f24:    or      t1,t9,t0
                                                  > 3f28:    andi    t2,t1,0xffff
3f28:    sh      t0,0x2f8(v0)                     | 3f2c:    sw      t2,0x2f8(v0)                   | 3f2c:    sw      t2,0x2f8(v1)
3f2c:    jr      ra                                 3f30:    jr      ra
3f30:    nop                                        3f34:    nop

Casts, e.g. (u16) can have a large effect on the compiler output (they can also have no effect, depending on what is being cast from what to what!).

In this case we can try removing the u16 (unsigned 16-bit, aka unsigned short) casting.

void func_150792FC(void) {
    D_800D154C->unk2F8 = D_800D154C->unk2F8 & 0xFFF8;
    D_800D154C->unk2F8 = D_800D154C->unk2F8 | D_800D1890;

Check the diff, it improved things but we're still not there:

TARGET                                              CURRENT                                           PREVIOUS
3ee0:    lui     t6,0x800d                        i 3ee0:    lui     t6,%hi(D_800D1890)
3ee4:    lui     t7,0x800d                        i 3ee4:    lui     t7,%hi(D_800D154C)
3ee8:    lw      t7,0x154c(t7)                    i 3ee8:    lw      t7,%lo(D_800D154C)(t7)
3eec:    lbu     t6,0x1890(t6)                    i 3eec:    lbu     t6,%lo(D_800D1890)(t6)
3ef0:    sb      t6,0x232(t7)                       3ef0:    sb      t6,0x232(t7)
3ef4:    jr      ra                                 3ef4:    jr      ra
3ef8:    nop                                        3ef8:    nop
3efc:    lui     v1,0x800d                        i 3efc:    lui     v1,%hi(D_800D154C)
3f00:    addiu   v1,v1,0x154c                     i 3f00:    addiu   v1,v1,%lo(D_800D154C)
3f04:    lw      v0,0(v1)                           3f04:    lw      v0,0(v1)
3f08:    lui     t9,0x800d                        i 3f08:    lui     t9,%hi(D_800D1890)             r 3f08:    lui     t0,%hi(D_800D1890)
3f0c:    lhu     t6,0x2f8(v0)                     | 3f0c:    lw      t6,0x2f8(v0)                   | 3f0c:    lw      t7,0x2f8(v0)
3f10:    andi    t7,t6,0xfff8                       3f10:    andi    t7,t6,0xfff8                   r 3f10:    andi    t8,t7,0xfff8
3f14:    sh      t7,0x2f8(v0)                     | 3f14:    sw      t7,0x2f8(v0)                   | 3f14:    sw      t8,0x2f8(v0)
3f18:    lw      v0,0(v1)                           3f18:    lw      v0,0(v1)
3f1c:    lbu     t9,0x1890(t9)                    i 3f1c:    lbu     t9,%lo(D_800D1890)(t9)         r 3f1c:    lbu     t0,%lo(D_800D1890)(t0)
3f20:    lhu     t8,0x2f8(v0)                     | 3f20:    lw      t8,0x2f8(v0)                   | 3f20:    lw      t9,0x2f8(v0)
3f24:    or      t0,t8,t9                           3f24:    or      t0,t8,t9                       r 3f24:    or      t1,t9,t0
                                                                                                    > 3f28:    andi    t2,t1,0xffff
3f28:    sh      t0,0x2f8(v0)                     | 3f28:    sw      t0,0x2f8(v0)                   | 3f2c:    sw      t2,0x2f8(v0)
3f2c:    jr      ra                                 3f2c:    jr      ra
3f30:    nop                                        3f30:    nop

The lhu on the left is "load unsigned short", our code is doing lw (load word). The struct definition has unk2F8 as a s32, but it appears it should be u16. So we can edit the definition in include/structs.h, save, and check the diff.

asm-differ output shows a match!

TARGET                                              CURRENT                                           PREVIOUS
3ee0:    lui     t6,0x800d                        i 3ee0:    lui     t6,%hi(D_800D1890)
3ee4:    lui     t7,0x800d                        i 3ee4:    lui     t7,%hi(D_800D154C)
3ee8:    lw      t7,0x154c(t7)                    i 3ee8:    lw      t7,%lo(D_800D154C)(t7)
3eec:    lbu     t6,0x1890(t6)                    i 3eec:    lbu     t6,%lo(D_800D1890)(t6)
3ef0:    sb      t6,0x232(t7)                       3ef0:    sb      t6,0x232(t7)
3ef4:    jr      ra                                 3ef4:    jr      ra
3ef8:    nop                                        3ef8:    nop
3efc:    lui     v1,0x800d                        i 3efc:    lui     v1,%hi(D_800D154C)
3f00:    addiu   v1,v1,0x154c                     i 3f00:    addiu   v1,v1,%lo(D_800D154C)
3f04:    lw      v0,0(v1)                           3f04:    lw      v0,0(v1)
3f08:    lui     t9,0x800d                        i 3f08:    lui     t9,%hi(D_800D1890)
3f0c:    lhu     t6,0x2f8(v0)                       3f0c:    lhu     t6,0x2f8(v0)                   | 3f0c:    lh      t6,0x2f8(v0)
3f10:    andi    t7,t6,0xfff8                       3f10:    andi    t7,t6,0xfff8
3f14:    sh      t7,0x2f8(v0)                       3f14:    sh      t7,0x2f8(v0)
3f18:    lw      v0,0(v1)                           3f18:    lw      v0,0(v1)
3f1c:    lbu     t9,0x1890(t9)                    i 3f1c:    lbu     t9,%lo(D_800D1890)(t9)
3f20:    lhu     t8,0x2f8(v0)                       3f20:    lhu     t8,0x2f8(v0)                   | 3f20:    lh      t8,0x2f8(v0)
3f24:    or      t0,t8,t9                           3f24:    or      t0,t8,t9
3f28:    sh      t0,0x2f8(v0)                       3f28:    sh      t0,0x2f8(v0)
3f2c:    jr      ra                                 3f2c:    jr      ra
3f30:    nop                                        3f30:    nop

We can tidy up the function a little and still have it match:

void func_150792FC(void) {
    D_800D154C->unk2F8 &= 0xFFF8;
    D_800D154C->unk2F8 |= D_800D1890;

Job done.

Update unknown_syms.txt

When new variables are encountered, they are extern'd (which means they are declared but not defined). When the location is understood, we can add the definition to the correct file. In the meantime they are simply added to include/variables.h.

Because these variables are only declared, they need an entry in unknown_syms.txt with the address, e.g.

D_8002ABE0 = 0x8002ABE0;

Run make to get the OK

If you believe you have gotten everything matching in your C file, run make to ensure you didn't break anything else via your changes. you should get an OK:

$ make
build/chunk0.bin: OK

And you can move on to the next function (and/or raise a PR to commit your changes to the repo!)


Using context file

mips2c supports a 'context' file which is used to aid with naming of struct elements and other helpful things. As we move to naming structs (e.g. "unk120" becomes "is_on_fire"), we will want to use context files to fill this names in for us as part of the assembly->c translation.

Steps are pretty straightforward:

Generate ctx.c

python3 tools/ src/game_131F30.c

Run mips2c using context file:

python3 ../tools/mips_to_c/ --context ctx.c asm/nonmatchings/game_131F30/func_15104FF8.s