feat: Enable ACH via Stripe Vaulting flows #784
on: pull_request
Unit Tests - SDK
2m 41s
Unit Tests - Debug App
5m 36s
Matrix: Optional SDK Tests
Build app with SPM Integration
Run Critical Path UI Tests
Build and upload app to Appetize
11 errors and 30 warnings
Optional SDK Tests (nol-pay, Package.NolPay.swift):
missing arguments for parameters 'bankName', 'accountNumberLastFourDigits' in call
Optional SDK Tests (nol-pay, Package.NolPay.swift):
missing arguments for parameters 'bankName', 'accountNumberLastFourDigits' in call
Optional SDK Tests (nol-pay, Package.NolPay.swift)
Process completed with exit code 1.
Unit Tests - SDK:
missing arguments for parameters 'bankName', 'accountNumberLastFourDigits' in call
Unit Tests - SDK:
missing arguments for parameters 'bankName', 'accountNumberLastFourDigits' in call
Unit Tests - SDK:
missing arguments for parameters 'bankName', 'accountNumberLastFourDigits' in call
Unit Tests - SDK
Process completed with exit code 1.
Optional SDK Tests (3DS, Package.3DS.swift)
The job was canceled because "nol-pay_Package_NolPay_sw" failed.
Optional SDK Tests (klarna, Package.Klarna.swift)
The job was canceled because "nol-pay_Package_NolPay_sw" failed.
Unit Tests - Debug App:
Debug App/Tests/AppetizeConfigTests.swift#L82
extra argument 'newWorkflows' in call
Unit Tests - Debug App
Process completed with exit code 1.
Optional SDK Tests (nol-pay, Package.NolPay.swift):
Sources/PrimerSDK/Classes/Error Handler/ErrorHandler.swift#L19
@discardableResult declared on a function returning Void is unnecessary
Optional SDK Tests (nol-pay, Package.NolPay.swift):
Sources/PrimerSDK/Classes/PCI/Checkout Components/PrimerRawCardDataRedirectTokenizationBuilder.swift#L85
'primerRawDataManager(_:metadataDidChange:)' is deprecated: Use _:didReceiveCardMetadata:forState: instead
Optional SDK Tests (nol-pay, Package.NolPay.swift):
Sources/PrimerSDK/Classes/PCI/Checkout Components/PrimerRawCardDataTokenizationBuilder.swift#L60
'primerRawDataManager(_:metadataDidChange:)' is deprecated: Use _:didReceiveCardMetadata:forState: instead
Optional SDK Tests (nol-pay, Package.NolPay.swift):
Sources/PrimerSDK/Classes/Third Party/PromiseKit/Guarantee.swift#L64
generic parameter 'T' shadows generic parameter from outer scope with the same name; this is an error in Swift 6
Optional SDK Tests (nol-pay, Package.NolPay.swift):
Sources/PrimerSDK/Classes/User Interface/Components/PrimerNibView.swift#L36
coercion of implicitly unwrappable value of type 'UIView?' to 'Any' does not unwrap optional
Optional SDK Tests (nol-pay, Package.NolPay.swift):
Sources/PrimerSDK/Classes/User Interface/Components/PrimerNibView.swift#L40
coercion of implicitly unwrappable value of type 'UIView?' to 'Any' does not unwrap optional
Optional SDK Tests (nol-pay, Package.NolPay.swift):
Sources/PrimerSDK/Classes/Core/Payment Services/PrimerAPIConfigurationModule.swift#L332
result of call to 'ensure(on:_:)' is unused
Optional SDK Tests (nol-pay, Package.NolPay.swift):
'primerHeadlessUniveraslCheckoutUIDidDismissPaymentMethod()' is deprecated: use `primerHeadlessUniversalCheckoutUIDidDismissPaymentMethod` instead
Optional SDK Tests (nol-pay, Package.NolPay.swift):
value 'resumeDecisionType' was defined but never used; consider replacing with boolean test
Optional SDK Tests (nol-pay, Package.NolPay.swift):
Sources/PrimerSDK/Classes/Data Models/ClientSession.swift#L289
'merchantName' is deprecated: Use Client Session API to provide merchant name value: https://primer.io/docs/payment-methods/apple-pay/direct-integration#prepare-the-client-session
Unit Tests - SDK:
Sources/PrimerSDK/Classes/Error Handler/ErrorHandler.swift#L19
@discardableResult declared on a function returning Void is unnecessary
Unit Tests - SDK:
Sources/PrimerSDK/Classes/PCI/Checkout Components/PrimerRawCardDataRedirectTokenizationBuilder.swift#L85
'primerRawDataManager(_:metadataDidChange:)' is deprecated: Use _:didReceiveCardMetadata:forState: instead
Unit Tests - SDK:
Sources/PrimerSDK/Classes/PCI/Checkout Components/PrimerRawCardDataTokenizationBuilder.swift#L60
'primerRawDataManager(_:metadataDidChange:)' is deprecated: Use _:didReceiveCardMetadata:forState: instead
Unit Tests - SDK:
Sources/PrimerSDK/Classes/Third Party/PromiseKit/Guarantee.swift#L64
generic parameter 'T' shadows generic parameter from outer scope with the same name; this is an error in Swift 6
Unit Tests - SDK:
Sources/PrimerSDK/Classes/User Interface/TokenizationViewModels/ApplePayTokenizationViewModel.swift#L435
'merchantName' is deprecated: Use Client Session API to provide merchant name value: https://primer.io/docs/payment-methods/apple-pay/direct-integration#prepare-the-client-session
Unit Tests - SDK:
Sources/PrimerSDK/Classes/Third Party/PromiseKit/Guarantee.swift#L64
generic parameter 'T' shadows generic parameter from outer scope with the same name; this is an error in Swift 6
Unit Tests - SDK:
Sources/PrimerSDK/Classes/Third Party/PromiseKit/Guarantee.swift#L13
cast from 'SealedBox<T>' to unrelated type 'Guarantee<T>.Box<T>' always fails
Unit Tests - SDK:
Sources/PrimerSDK/Classes/Third Party/PromiseKit/Guarantee.swift#L90
conditional cast from 'Guarantee<T>.Box<T>' to 'Guarantee<T>.Box<T>' always succeeds
Unit Tests - SDK:
Sources/PrimerSDK/Classes/User Interface/Components/PrimerNibView.swift#L36
coercion of implicitly unwrappable value of type 'UIView?' to 'Any' does not unwrap optional
Unit Tests - SDK:
Sources/PrimerSDK/Classes/User Interface/Components/PrimerNibView.swift#L40
coercion of implicitly unwrappable value of type 'UIView?' to 'Any' does not unwrap optional
Unit Tests - Debug App:
Debug App/Pods/Primer3DS/Sources/Primer3DS/Classes/Primer3DS.swift#L5
public class 'Primer3DS.Primer3DS' shadows module 'Primer3DS', which may cause failures when importing 'Primer3DS' or its clients in some configurations; please rename either the class 'Primer3DS.Primer3DS' or the module 'Primer3DS', or see https://github.com/apple/swift/issues/56573 for workarounds
Unit Tests - Debug App:
Debug App/Pods/Primer3DS/Sources/Primer3DS/Classes/Primer3DS.swift#L5
public class 'Primer3DS.Primer3DS' shadows module 'Primer3DS', which may cause failures when importing 'Primer3DS' or its clients in some configurations; please rename either the class 'Primer3DS.Primer3DS' or the module 'Primer3DS', or see https://github.com/apple/swift/issues/56573 for workarounds
Unit Tests - Debug App:
Debug App/Pods/IQKeyboardManagerSwift/IQKeyboardManagerSwift/UIKitExtensions/IQUIScrollView+Additions.swift#L37
conformance of 'UIScrollView' to protocol 'IQKeyboardManagerCompatible' was already stated in the type's module 'UIKit'
Unit Tests - Debug App:
Debug App/Pods/Primer3DS/Sources/Primer3DS/Classes/Primer3DS.swift#L135
conditional cast from 'any Error' to 'NSError' always succeeds
Unit Tests - Debug App:
Debug App/Pods/IQKeyboardManagerSwift/IQKeyboardManagerSwift/UIKitExtensions/IQUIScrollView+Additions.swift#L37
conformance of 'UIScrollView' to protocol 'IQKeyboardManagerCompatible' was already stated in the type's module 'UIKit'
Unit Tests - Debug App:
Sources/PrimerSDK/Classes/Error Handler/ErrorHandler.swift#L19
@discardableResult declared on a function returning Void is unnecessary
Unit Tests - Debug App:
Sources/PrimerSDK/Classes/Third Party/PromiseKit/Guarantee.swift#L64
generic parameter 'T' shadows generic parameter from outer scope with the same name; this is an error in Swift 6
Unit Tests - Debug App:
Sources/PrimerSDK/Classes/PCI/Checkout Components/PrimerRawCardDataRedirectTokenizationBuilder.swift#L85
'primerRawDataManager(_:metadataDidChange:)' is deprecated: Use _:didReceiveCardMetadata:forState: instead
Unit Tests - Debug App:
Sources/PrimerSDK/Classes/PCI/Checkout Components/PrimerRawCardDataTokenizationBuilder.swift#L60
'primerRawDataManager(_:metadataDidChange:)' is deprecated: Use _:didReceiveCardMetadata:forState: instead
Unit Tests - Debug App:
Sources/PrimerSDK/Classes/Third Party/PromiseKit/Guarantee.swift#L64
generic parameter 'T' shadows generic parameter from outer scope with the same name; this is an error in Swift 6