Code and data from Telenský, T., Storch, D., Klvaňa, P., Reif, J. Extension of Pradel capture-recapture survival-recruitment model accounting for transients. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
Implementations of basic as well extended model in BUGS language for both Nimble and JAGS, along with simple examples.
- code - R scripts to run the models using Nimble or JAGS
- data - the data from the Case study (Czech Constant Effort Sites scheme)
- model - basic and extended model in BUGS language
The code is not complete yet - updates are coming soon. Stay tuned!
Install instructions
- Install either Nimble ( or JAGS (along with the R package 'runjags')
- Install R packages:
install.packages(c("coda", "reshape2", "stringr"))
- Install the talonplot R package - either from a binary, if available, or from the source repository:
This work is available under CC-BY license. If you reuse these scripts for your work, please cite our paper.