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telenskyt committed Dec 19, 2023
1 parent 30db2ba commit 5056dda
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Showing 10 changed files with 824 additions and 163 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@

The code is not complete yet. I expect the following updates to come up soon!

- code for simulations (Appendix A)
- code for JAGS
- habitat specific model and code for Figure 6
- model optimizations for larger amount of sites
- implementation of Maximum Likelihood model fitting

Stay tuned!

174 changes: 174 additions & 0 deletions code/example1-basic_model-dipper.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
# Extension of the Pradel (1996) model for transients and multiple sites with different temporal coverage
# A simple example of the simplest - basic version of the model on the classic and well-known Dipper data set
# (Warning: the Dipper data set might not meet the assumptions of Pradel model, notably the constant
# sampled area requirement. It is only used as a demonstration of the model usage.)
# Telenský, T., Storch, D., Klvaňa, P., Reif, J. Extension of Pradel capture-recapture survival-recruitment model accounting for transients.
# Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

library(RMark) # dipper data set


fast_model_run <- FALSE # very brief model run (few iterations) just for testing
run_parallel <- TRUE # disable only for debugging

### prepare the data


# test the assumption that the capture history only contains 0s and 1s:
stopifnot(length(grep("^[01]+$", dipper$ch, invert = TRUE)) == 0)

# convert the string capture histories to matrix CH
CH <- char_to_CH(dipper$ch)

n.occasions <- ncol(CH)

# create m-array
data <- marray_multistage(CH)
data$k <- n.occasions

### run the model

source("../model/model-pradel_with_transients-basic.nimble.R") # run the extended model, using Nimble

save(out, file = "model-dipper.Rdata")

### post-hoc calculation of the derived parameters. Performed on the MCMC samples
### to ensure proper propagation of uncertainty of the primary model parameters to these derived quantities
### (for more explanation see e.g. Kéry, M., & Schaub, M. (2012). Bayesian Population Analysis using WinBUGS. Elsevier.)


mcmcsum(out$mcmc) # summary of the MCMC chains of the primary parameters

mc <- as.mcmc.list(out$mcmc)
mt <- as.matrix(mc, chains = TRUE, iters = TRUE)

# extract the vital rates calculated by the model

surv <- mt[,paste0('surv[',1:(n.occasions-1),']')]
sen <- mt[,paste0('sen[',1:(n.occasions-1),']')]

# calculate lambda = surv/sen

lambda <- matrix(nrow = nrow(mt), ncol = n.occasions - 1)
lambda <- surv/sen
colnames(lambda) <- paste0("lambda[", 1:ncol(lambda), "]")
mt <- cbind(mt, lambda)

# calculate recruitment

recr <- matrix(nrow = nrow(mt), ncol = n.occasions - 1)
recr <- lambda - surv
colnames(recr) <- paste0("recr", "[", 1:ncol(recr), "]")
mt <- cbind(mt, recr)

# calculate adult relative population index (equals 1 on the first occasion)

pop.idx <- matrix(nrow = nrow(mt), ncol = n.occasions)
pop.idx[,1] <- 1
for (i in 2:n.occasions) {
pop.idx[,i] <- pop.idx[,i-1] * lambda[,i-1]
pop.idx.sum <- = 1:n.occasions, t(apply(pop.idx, 2, function (x) { c(Mean = mean(x), quantile(x, c(0.025, 0.975))) }))))

# now create a summary of MCMC chains of all parameters, including the derived ones!
mc <- matrix2mcmc(mt)

### As an example of a simple follow-up analysis with proper propagation of uncertainty, we calculate correlations
### of the demographic rates and density (population index). The follow-up analysis (here, correlation) is performed
### for each MCMC sample from the posterior distributions of the parameter estimates. This ensures proper propagation
### of uncertainty of the primary model parameters to the uncertainty of the resultant statistics (here, pearson correlation coefficient)
### (for more explanation see e.g. Kéry, M., & Schaub, M. (2012). Bayesian Population Analysis using WinBUGS. Elsevier.)

n.iter <- nrow(surv)
r <- c()
for (i in 1:n.iter) {
r[i] <- cor.test(surv[i,], recr[i,])$estimate
r.surv_recr <- c("r.surv_recr" = mean(r), quantile(r, c(0.025, 0.975)))

n.iter <- nrow(lambda)
r <- c()
for (i in 1:n.iter) {
r[i] <- cor.test(lambda[i,], surv[i,])$estimate
r.lambda_surv <- c("r.lambda_surv" = mean(r), quantile(r, c(0.025, 0.975)))

n.iter <- nrow(lambda)
r <- c()
for (i in 1:n.iter) {
r[i] <- cor.test(lambda[i,], recr[i,])$estimate
r.lambda_recr <- c("r.lambda_recr" = mean(r), quantile(r, c(0.025, 0.975)))

n.iter <- nrow(lambda)
r <- c()
for (i in 1:n.iter) {
r[i] <- cor.test(lambda[i,], pop.idx[i,1:(n.occasions-1)])$estimate
r.density_lambda <- c("r.density_lambda" = mean(r), quantile(r, c(0.025, 0.975)))

n.iter <- nrow(lambda)
r <- c()
for (i in 1:n.iter) {
r[i] <- cor.test(surv[i,], pop.idx[i,1:(n.occasions-1)])$estimate
r.density_surv <- c("r.density_surv" = mean(r), quantile(r, c(0.025, 0.975)))

n.iter <- nrow(lambda)
r <- c()
for (i in 1:n.iter) {
r[i] <- cor.test(recr[i,], pop.idx[i,1:(n.occasions-1)])$estimate
r.density_recr <- c("r.density_recr" = mean(r), quantile(r, c(0.025, 0.975)))

# print the results
res <- rbind(r.surv_recr, r.lambda_surv, r.lambda_recr, r.density_lambda, r.density_surv, r.density_recr)
colnames(res)[1] <- 'Mean'

##### Talon plot


big_font <- TRUE

recr_pts = colMeans(recr), surv_pts = colMeans(surv),
recr_samples = recr, surv_samples = surv,
recr_CI_low = apply(recr, 2, quantile, 0.025),
recr_CI_high = apply(recr, 2, quantile, 0.975),
surv_CI_low = apply(surv, 2, quantile, 0.025),
surv_CI_high = apply(surv, 2, quantile, 0.975),
CI_type = "ellipse",
CI_transform = FALSE,
main = "Parus major",
big_font = big_font,
plot.samples = TRUE

#### Now, calculate the original Pradel model with MARK, to compare the values
# Keep in mind that the results will differ because our extended model contains the transience parameter

mod <- mark(dipper,
model.parameters = list(Phi = list(formula = ~0+time), p = list(formula = ~1), f = list(formula = ~0+time)),

42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions code/fig2.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# Figure 2
# This script generates a part of Figure 2 - a graph showing the increasing amount of recaptured individuals
# in a constant population.

all_cap <- 1
rCt <- 0.7 # residency probability (within all captured animals)
p <- 0.4 # capture probability
sen <- 0.7 # seniority
T <- 5 # number of temporal occasions

# Calculate Equation 3 from the paper
xi <- c()
xi[1] <- 1
for (i in 2:T) {
xi[i] <- (1-sen) + sen*(1 - p)*xi[i-1]

# AC: allready captured before ("marked")
AC <- rCt * (1 - xi)

par(cex = 1.3)
plot(1:T, AC, type = "l", ylim = c(0,1), xlab = "", ylab = "", yaxt = "n", xaxt = "n", bty = "n")
title(xlab = "time (occasions)", line = 2)
axis(1, pos = 0)
axis(2, at = c(0, rCt, 1), labels = c(0, "", 1), las = 1, pos = 1)
lines(c(1,T), c(rCt, rCt))
lines(c(1,T), c(1, 1))
polygon(c(1:T,T,1), c(AC,1,1), density = 10, angle = 45)
polygon(c(1:T,T,1), c(AC,0,0), density = 10, angle = -45)

savePlot("res_tr_graf", "wmf")
savePlot("res_tr_graf", "emf")

#abline(h = rCt) # this plots beyond the vertical axes, unfortunatelly
#abline(h = 1)

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions code/fig4.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

# See script example2-extended_model-Czech_CES_bird_ringing.R to generate this Figure.

95 changes: 0 additions & 95 deletions code/functions/ces-data-capture_history.R

This file was deleted.

68 changes: 0 additions & 68 deletions code/functions/ces-data-prepare.R

This file was deleted.


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