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d3HowTo Uninstall

Chris Lasell edited this page Apr 23, 2016 · 2 revisions

How to Uninstall a package

Here's how:

Uninstall any receipt by using the 'uninstall' action of the d3 command, with the basename of the receipt you want.

If the package isn't removable, you'll get an error. The --force option will not allow you to uninstall a non-removable package.


sudo d3 uninstall filemaker
sudo d3 u sketchup-pro


Since only one receipt is allowed to be installed per basename at a time, receipts can always be referred to by their basename.

All d3 actions have short and long versions. The short version of 'uninstall' is 'u'

NOTE: Throughout the documentation "Uninstall" and "Remove" are synonyms.

See also: