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Chris Lasell edited this page Mar 24, 2016 · 3 revisions

d3 Help Summary

Below is the command-line help output for the d3 command.

For details about using d3, inculding definitions of important terms, see the introduction and client documentation.

Help Output

d3: package/patch management & deployment tool to enhance the package-
handling capabilities of the Casper Suite from JAMF Software, LLC.

Usage: d3 action [target [...]] [options]
Use -H for help

All actions have a 1-2 character shortcut.

For details see

  install   i  <basename/edition>       - Install packages or queue for logout
  uninstall u  <basename>               - Uninstall packages
  freeze    f  <basename>               - Stop auto-updates of this basename
  thaw      t  <basename>               - Resume auto-updates of this basename
  dequeue   dq <basename>               - Remove a pending logout install
  sync      s                           - Update receipt data, do auto-installs
                                          update installed software & uninstall
                                          expired receipts
  help                                  - Show this help summary

List Actions:
  list-available  la                    - Live pkgs available to this computer
  list-installed  li                    - Receipts on this computer
  list-manual     lm                    - Manually installed receipts
  list-pilots     lp                    - Pilot receipts on this computer
  list-frozen     lf                    - Frozen receipts on this computer
  list-queue      lq                    - Pending puppy (logout) installs
  list-details    ld <basename/edition> - Package & receipt details
  list-files      ls <basename/edition> - Files installed by the package
  query-file      qf <path>             - Which packages install <path>?

  -q, --quiet                  - Be as silent as possible,
                                 use twice for more silence
  -v, --verbose                - Give more detail about what's happening,
                                 use twice for more details
  -p, --puppies                - Do puppy installs now, instead of queuing
                                 When used with 'install', the pkgs
                                 pkgs are installed immediately
                                 When used with 'sync' any queued puppies
                                 are installed immediately
  -f, --force                  - Force d3 to perform unnatural acts
  -a, --admin <admin>          - The name of the admin using d3
  -N, --no-puppy-notification  - Don't run the puppy-notification policy
  -e, --expiration <days>      - With 'install', set a custom expiration
                                 if the pkg is expirable
  -F, --freeze                 - With 'install', freeze receipt immediately
  -d, --debug                  - Set verbosity and logging to full blast
  -V, --version                - Show d3 version info
  -H, --help                   - Show this help info

 - All <targets> can be a list of several, space-separated
 - When a basename is given as a target for install, list-details, or
   list-files, the currently live edition is used.