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How to build TotalCross VM (WIP)

Allan C. M. Lira edited this page Jul 10, 2020 · 4 revisions

Learn the steps to generate your custom VM. Our build process needs Docker, please install it and check your installation:

$ docker --version

After cloning the project (git clone TotalCross) you will have:

├─ LitebaseSDK/
├─ TotalCrossSDK/
└─ TotalCrossVM/

You will need to enter inside TotalCrossVM/builders folder, please:

$ cd TotalCrossVM/builders

Your folder structure will be something like this:

├─ LitebaseSDK
├─ TotalCrossSDK
└─ TotalCrossVM
     ├─ builders/
     │    ├─ droid/
     │    ├─ gcc-linux-arm/
     │    ├─ gcc-posix/
     │    ├─ vc2008/
     │    ├─ vc2013/
     │    ├─ vc2017/
     │    ├─ xcode/
     │    └─ build.xml
     ├─ deps/
     └─ src/

Linux x86-64

Enter into gcc-posix folder:

~TotalCrossVM/builders$ cd gcc-posix

First, let's build the docker image:

~TotalCrossVM/builders/gcc-posix$ cd docker
~TotalCrossVM/builders/gcc-posix/docker$ ./

If you have no problems you should check the image:

~TotalCrossVM/builders/gcc-posix/docker$ docker images
REPOSITORY                              TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
totalcross/amd64-cross-compile          bionic              cd8fb68f0fc6        a minute ago        1.03GB
<none>                                  <none>              1a0e943d6239        27 hours ago        464MB
~TotalCrossVM/builders/gcc-posix/docker$ cd ..

Next, let's build

~TotalCrossVM/builders/gcc-posix$ cd tcvm
~TotalCrossVM/builders/gcc-posix/tcvm$ ./

If you don't have any build errors, your folder will be something like this:

├─ LitebaseSDK
├─ TotalCrossSDK
└─ TotalCrossVM
     ├─ builders/
     │    ├─ droid/
     │    ├─ gcc-linux-arm/
     │    ├─ gcc-posix/
     │    │    ├─ docker
     │    │    ├─ launcher
     │    │    └─ tcvm
     │    │         ├─ bin/
     │    │         │    └─
     │    │         ├─
     │    │         ├─ libskia.a
     │    │         └─ Makefile
     │    ├─ vc2008/
     │    ├─ vc2013/
     │    ├─ vc2017/
     │    ├─ xcode/
     │    └─ build.xml
     ├─ deps/
     └─ src/

Look to the bin folder, now you just need to copy to your valid SDK folder

~TotalCrossVM/builders/gcc-posix/tcvm$ cp bin/ $PATH_TO_VALID_SDK/dist/vm/linux

Linux ARM

Enter into gcc-linux-arm folder:

~TotalCrossVM/builders$ cd gcc-linux-arm

First, let's build the docker image:

~TotalCrossVM/builders/gcc-linux-arm$ cd docker-builder-image
~TotalCrossVM/builders/gcc-linux-arm/docker-builder-image$ ./

If you have no problems you should check the image:

~TotalCrossVM/builders/gcc-posix/docker$ docker images
REPOSITORY                              TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
totalcross/totalcross/cross-compile     latest              cd8fb68f0fc6        a minute ago        1.03GB
<none>                                  <none>              1a0eea5a6dv0        15 hours ago        1.46GB
~TotalCrossVM/builders/gcc-linux-arm/docker-builder-image$ cd ..

Next, let's build

~TotalCrossVM/builders/gcc-linux-arm$ cd tcvm
~TotalCrossVM/builders/gcc-linux-arm/tcvm$ ./

If you don't have any build errors, your folder will be something like this:

├─ LitebaseSDK
├─ TotalCrossSDK
└─ TotalCrossVM
     ├─ builders/
     │    ├─ droid/
     │    ├─ gcc-linux-arm/
     │    │    ├─ docker-builder-image
     │    │    ├─ launcher
     │    │    └─ tcvm
     │    │         ├─ bin/
     │    │         │    └─
     │    │         ├─
     │    │         ├─ libskia.a
     │    │         └─ Makefile
     │    ├─ gcc-posix/
     │    ├─ vc2008/
     │    ├─ vc2013/
     │    ├─ vc2017/
     │    ├─ xcode/
     │    └─ build.xml
     ├─ deps/
     └─ src/

Look to the bin folder, now you just need to copy to your valid SDK folder

~TotalCrossVM/builders/gcc-linux-arm/tcvm$ cp bin/ $PATH_TO_VALID_SDK/dist/vm/linux_arm