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Project helpers

Allan C. M. Lira edited this page Sep 25, 2020 · 2 revisions

Page dedicated to setting standards in creating Github projects


Highest priority Middle priority Lowest priority
0 1 2


Number Emoji Estimate
1 🐜 less than a day
2 🐀 one day
3 🐔 2-3 days
5 🐕 one week
8 🐢 2 weeks
13 🐊 one month
21 🐘 2 months

Card template

#### Title

_User story: as person, I hope I can easily create cards :sweat_smile:_


**Priority**: 0
**Complexity**: 0


#### Tasks
- [ ] Put 
- [ ] The 
- [ ] Steps
- [ ] Here`

#### Notes
_<div align="center">TODO</div>_
