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cktricky edited this page Aug 5, 2011 · 4 revisions

Remote File Inclusion Assist


This assist module allows you to access RFI related data stored in wXf.db (datum/databases folder).


To include this assists module in your module use the following line of code:

include WXf::WXfassists::Exploit::RFI

Default Options


Methods Exposed

fetch_rfi_by_name - takes the name of the exploit (ie - joomla_1) and returns all the data associated with it

fetch_rfi_string_by_name - takes the name of an exploit as input, returns the RFI string

fetch_rfi_list - takes no input, returns all the rfi related data in the database

fetch_rfi_string_by_platform - takes the name of platform (ie - joomla_1), returns the RFI strings associated with    
whatever platform was called (Array return)

requires_auth?(rfi) - takes the name of the RFI, returns true or false. True if the exploit     
                       requires authentication and false otherwise.
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