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auxiliary scanners oas_cgi_scan

carnal0wnage edited this page Apr 19, 2011 · 1 revision


MC CG [carnal0wnage]


This module scans for common files on an Oracle Application Server and Oracle Database Server.
If you are having issues. set VERBOSE to TRUE to see all error codes.


Module Options:

DEMOS     false                             true       Enable checks for all the demo pages
PROXYA                                      false      Proxy IP Address
PROXYP                                      false      Proxy Port Number
RURL   true       Target address
VERBOSE   false                             true       Show all errror codes or just 200/302

Options Explained (Module Specific):

DEMOS -- Set to 'true' if you'd like to enable tests for demo pages.

VERBOSE -- To show all error codes, 404, 401, 500, etc. set to 'true', otherwise wXf will only display 200, 301 and 302 response codes.

Real world example:

The target is, port 80 (HTTP). We'd like to test for both demo pages and common Oracle pages. Additionally, we'd like to observe all response codes.

set RURL
set VERBOSE true
set DEMOS true
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