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auxiliary fuzzers dir_trav_fuzz

cktricky edited this page May 25, 2011 · 5 revisions


Chris Gates (CG)


This modules fuzzes various directory traversal payloads against the user specified Remote URL (RURL).

Module Options:

COOKIES                                           false      Enter the cookies here. Ex: set COOKIES ASPSESSIONID=1234;
FILE        boot.ini                              true       File To View
FUZZPARAM                                         false      Identify which param is to be fuzzed
LFILE       wordlists/dir_traversal_strings.txt   true       Directory Traversal Strings File
LOG         no                                    false      If yes, the output will be logged in dradis upload format,   
                                                             under lib/wXf/wXflog     
METHOD      get                                   true       Choose either get or post
PROXYA                                            false      Proxy IP Address
PROXYP                                            false      Proxy Port Number
RPARAMS                                           false      Enter the body like so: foo=bar&cow=moo
RURL       true       Target address

Options Explained (Module Specific):

COOKIES -- If you have a cookie or cookies that you'd like to add to the request (whether GET or POST, doesn't matter), go ahead and set them here like so:




set COOKIES ASPSESSIONID=1234; ASP.NET_SessionId=5678;

FILE -- This is the path AND file you are to attempting to retrieve with each request on the remote system. If the system is linux, you may try etc/passwd for example.

set FILE etc/passwd

FUZZPARAM -- The query, whether GET or POST, will include an RPARAMS string. wXf needs to know which of the parameters we will inject our fuzzing payloads into. This is the FUZZPARAM. For example:

set RPARAMS foo=bar&cow=moooooo

If we wanted to fuzz the parameter "cow", we'd use the following:


LFILE -- The LFILE can be left default, no interaction required. However, if you choose to user another wordlist type

show lfiles

(choose the LFILE you'd like from the wordlists options)

set LFILE wordlists/<chosen file>

LOG -- This option can be left default, no interaction required. However, if you'd like to log the requests/responses, headers, debug information and timestamp into an xml file suitable for Dradis Framework upload, type: yes. Example:

set LOG yes

METHOD -- By default the request is GET. If POST/post is set, the request will be a POST.

set METHOD get
set METHOD post

RPARAMS -- This is the query string. Regardless of GET or POST, wXf will convert the parameters accordingly. There is only one way in which to enter the parameters. Example:

set RPARAMS foo=bar&cow=moo&sky=blue

Real world example:

Target is, the request is a POST request and the query is foo=bar&show_file=cool_file.html. We want to log the output to dradis, and we'd like to fuzz the parameter show_file. We will use the default wordlist. This is a linux system so etc/resolv.conf is a file we'd like to attempt to retrieve.

set RURL
set METHOD post
set RPARAMS foo=bar&show_file=cool
set FUZZPARAM show_file
set LOG yes 

Now the output of each request and response is stored under lib/wXf/wXflog under dir_trav_fuzz.xml. Analyze to see what worked. Enjoy!

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