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glossaries grouping by first letter

João M. Lourenço edited this page Mar 15, 2021 · 1 revision

Lots of Acronyms? How to group them by first letter?

Thanks to André Rodrigues for these instructions!msg/novathesis/TQnZpeqgHrQ/JUxkPouMBwAJ

Works with:

  • Version 4.x?? (please confirm!)
  • Version 5.x?? (please confirm!)

Past the following code in the template (I pasted it in the section "Customisation of some packages":

  \catcode0=12 %
  \DTLifint {#1}{%
  \ifcsundef {\@tmp@char groupname}{%
    \def #2{\@tmp@char}%
    \letcs #2{\@tmp@char groupname}%
\newcommand{\Agroupname}{Name group A}
\newcommand{\Bgroupname}{Name group B}
\newcommand{\Dgroupname}{Name group C}
\newcommand{\Dgroupname}{Name group D}
\newcommand{\Egroupname}{Name group E}

The need for this code appears to be due to the use of \printnoidxglossaries in the template. Source:

In the 'acronyms.tex' file, the entries must follow this type


Or this one for mathematical symbols:


The first character after 'sort=' defines which group the symbol belongs too: 'A' means the symbols belong to 'Name group A' defined above.

The glossary style must be one that includes groups:






(this command can be added to the acronyms file or to the template file)