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Generator Snippets

Electroblob edited this page Sep 14, 2020 · 3 revisions

This page contains a collection of code snippets for automatically generating certain files which are too numerous to write manually. In each case, they work best when pasted into the init() method in your main mod file. To use them, create the folder generated inside the run folder in your project directory, then launch the game as far as the main menu and the files will be generated inside the folder you just created.

Spell properties JSON file generator

This snippet will generate spell properties files for every registered spell that isn't part of the base mod. Note that this only generates an empty "base_properties" object; you will need to add any spell-specific properties yourself.

Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create();

for(Spell spell : Spell.getSpells(Spell.allSpells)){

        if(spell.getRegistryName().getNamespace().equals(Wizardry.MODID)) continue;

	try {

		FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("generated\\" + spell.getRegistryName().getPath() + ".json");

		JsonObject json = new JsonObject();

		JsonObject enabled = new JsonObject();

		enabled.addProperty("books", true);
		enabled.addProperty("scrolls", true);
		enabled.addProperty("wands", true);
		enabled.addProperty("npcs", true);
		enabled.addProperty("dispensers", true);
		enabled.addProperty("commands", true);
		enabled.addProperty("treasure", true);
		enabled.addProperty("trades", true);
		enabled.addProperty("looting", true);

		json.add("enabled", enabled);

		json.addProperty("tier", spell.getTier().getUnlocalisedName());
		json.addProperty("element", spell.getElement().getName());
		json.addProperty("type", spell.getType().getUnlocalisedName());

		json.addProperty("cost", spell.getCost());
		json.addProperty("chargeup", 0);
		json.addProperty("cooldown", spell.getCooldown());

		json.add("base_properties", new JsonObject());

		gson.toJson(json, writer);


	}catch(IOException e){

Spell wiki page generator

Yes, I even made a generator for that!

int i = 1;
String firstAppeared = "1.0";

for(Spell spell : Spell.getSpells(Spell.allSpells)){


		FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("generated\\" + spell.getDisplayName().replace(' ', '-') + ".md");

		writer.write("| " + spell.getDisplayName() + " |![](" + spell.getUnlocalisedName() + ".png)|\n" +
				"|---|---|\n" +
				"| Tier | " + spell.getTier().getDisplayName() + " |\n" +
				"| Element | " + spell.getElement().getDisplayName() + " |\n" +
				"| Type | " + spell.getType().getDisplayName() + " |\n" +
				"| Mana Cost | " + spell.getCost() + " |\n" +
				"| Continuous | " + (spell.isContinuous ? "Yes" : "No") + " |\n" +
				"| Cast by wizards | " + (spell.canBeCastByNPCs() ? "Yes" : "No") + " |\n" +
				"| Cast by dispensers | " + (spell.canBeCastByDispensers() ? "Yes" : "No") + " |\n" +
				"| ID | `" + spell.getRegistryName() + "` |\n" +
				"| Metadata | " + i++ + " |\n" +
				"| First appeared in | Wizardry " + firstAppeared + " |\n" +
				"## Description\n" +
				"_" + spell.getDescription() + "_");


	}catch(IOException e){
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