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Creating and Listening to Events

Jaren Brownlee edited this page Aug 30, 2022 · 6 revisions

DeepLynx utilizes an event system to allow external applications (primarily data sources) to listen for and be notified of events. For example, an application may be notified that a DeepLynx data source has ingested data, or data sources may use the system to send notifications containing queried data to each other. This allows a workflow to be created where apps no longer need to regularly poll DeepLynx for changes, but can be notified when there is some event to act upon.

Available Events

Events are messages that are added to a queue within DeepLynx to be processed and sent out. Events may either be created manually via the POST /events endpoint, or else created automatically via various actions within DeepLynx as detailed by the table below. In the table below, Events with an Event Source of data_source or container are created automatically when the corresponding Event Type occurs.

Event Source Event Type Data
data_source data_imported array of imports
data_source data_ingested import ID, status
data_source file_created file ID
data_source file_modified file ID
data_source type_mapping_created (future) type mapping ID
data_source type_mapping_modified (future) type mapping ID
container data_source_created data source ID
container data_source_modified data source ID
container data_exported export record
manual manual any (see below for usage examples)

Configuring DeepLynx for Events

Several config parameters can be set through the .env file. Set QUEUE_SYSTEM to determine what queue system is used. Currently supported values include database, rabbitmq, and azure_service_bus. Events are constantly processed making setting an interval for processing unneccesary. Note that if the QUEUE_SYSTEM is database, there will be a 500ms delay between processing queries to avoid overloading the database. If using one of the other systems, be sure to provide the appropriate URL or connection string.

Additionally, the EMIT_EVENTS parameter is a boolean flag that indicates whether events should be emitted. Be sure this is set to true if you would like events to be emitted.

Registering for Events via Event Actions

In order to listen for events, follow the steps below.

  1. An application should first query to determine the available containers or data sources and to retrieve the desired ID(s). IDs can be determined by calling the List Containers and List Data Sources API endpoints (see OpenAPI Swagger specification).
  2. Once the needed ID(s) have been obtained, the application can register for applicable event types (see table above) on that source. This is done through the Create Event Action API endpoint (POST /event_actions). A body must be included in the request that contains values for event_type (required, see list above), action_type (required. possible values are default, send_data, and email_user), container_id, data_source_id, action_config (optional object for future use), destination (the url to which DeepLynx should send events), destination_data_source_id (the id of the data source registering for events, if applicable), and active (optional boolean indicating whether the event action is active, defaults to true).

For example, if I wanted to listen to data_ingested events on a datasource with the ID 123, in container 1, my data source ID of 456 and at the url, I would supply the following body to the request:

    "container_id": "1",
    "data_source_id": "123",
    "event_type": "data_ingested",
    "action_type": "default",
    "destination": "",
    "destination_data_source_id": "456"
  1. When an event is created (such as the data_ingested event we want to listen to), DeepLynx will check for event actions that match the container_id, data_source_id, and event_type of the event. Additional filters may be applied and the data sent in the event may be altered, according to the action_type and event_type (detailed below).

Action Types and the manual Event Type

  • An action_type of default will result in no changes. The event payload will look like the following:
    "id": "the id of the event",
    "event": {"an object containing the information specified in the table above"}
  • An action_type of send_data will assume that the content of the event object within the event is a valid QraphQL query. To send an event with this payload, the event object should contain query and variables fields like the following:
    "query": "{ Document { id    file_name    primary_text }}",
    "variables": {}

See the GraphQL section within this wiki for additional details. Assuming the query can be processed by DeepLynx correctly, DeepLynx will send an event with the following payload:

    "id": "the id of the event",
    "event": {"an object containing the results of the query"},
    "query": {"an object containing the query provided by the event (see example json above)"}
  • An action_type of email_user will send out an email to the destination of the event action, with the event body as the content of the email.

  • For an event_type of manual, the event_config may contain a key called destination with a value of the intended data source ID. If supplied, this will be compared to the destination_data_source_id of the event action, and any actions that do not match will not receive the event. For example, to create a manual event that will only be sent to the data source with ID 123, the event may look like the following:

    "container_id": "1",
    "data_source_id": "456",
    "event_type": "manual",
    "event_config": {
        "destination": "123"
    "event": {
        "query": "{ Document { id   file_name   primary_text }}",
        "variables": {}

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