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Justin Aquadro edited this page Apr 8, 2015 · 9 revisions
A compost bin is is used for the creation of compost. Many types of organic matter such as seeds, leaves, plants, flowers, and food can be piled into the compost bin's 3x3 storage grid. This material will be slowly consumed and turned into compost at a ratio of 8:1.

Compost bins are crafted with sticks and planks.


The materials list for the compost bin can be configured through a MineTweaker script. GardenStuff exposes the following API:

mods.gardenstuff.CompostBin.add(<item>, processTime);

Any item matching the given item will be processed by the compost bin in the number of ticks specified by processTime.

mods.gardenstuff.CompostBin.add("oreDictName", processTime);

Any item registered to the given ore dictionary name will be processed by the compost bin in the number of ticks specified by processTime.


All default items, ore dictionary keys, and class records will be cleared from the compost table. Only entries you add after this point will be valid compost material.

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