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Adding lights

Romain Milbert edited this page Nov 1, 2022 · 11 revisions

RaZ supports for now two types of lights:

  • A point light is a light source defined by its position; imagine a light bulb, for example.
  • A directional light is a light source defined by its direction; this is similar to the sun's behavior, being so distant that its light rays are seemingly parallel to each other.
#include <RaZ/Render/Light.hpp>

// White point light, floating above the ground

Raz::Entity& pointLight = world.addEntityWithComponent<Raz::Transform>(Raz::Vec3f(0.f, 1.f, 0.f));
pointLight.addComponent<Raz::Light>(Raz::LightType::POINT,    // Type
                                    1.f,                      // Energy
                                    Raz::ColorPreset::White); // Color; a Vec3f can be given

// Cyan directional light, pointing to the bottom left

// A directional light doesn't need transformations; no need for a Raz::Transform
Raz::Entity& directionalLight = world.addEntity();
directionalLight.addComponent<Raz::Light>(Raz::LightType::DIRECTIONAL, // Type
                                          Raz::Vec3f(-1.f, -1.f, 0.f), // Direction
                                          1.f,                         // Energy
                                          Raz::Vec3f(0.f, 1.f, 1.f));  // Color (RGB)

Default shaders allow up to 100 lights.

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