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Playing a sound

Romain Milbert edited this page Dec 26, 2021 · 4 revisions

To be able to play sounds, an AudioSystem must be added to initialize all the necessary elements & to process audio components:

auto& audio = world.addSystem<Raz::AudioSystem>();

// An AudioSystem can take one parameter: the audio device to be opened.
//  If no parameter is given, the default device is picked
// To recover the available ones, Raz::AudioSystem::recoverDevices() can be called

We are now able to import our sound file and play it:

#include <RaZ/Data/WavFormat.hpp>

// An entity must have been created for a Sound component to be added
auto& sound = entity.addComponent<Raz::Sound>(Raz::WavFormat::load("test.wav"));;

Several other actions are possible:

// Sounds can obviously be paused & stopped
sound.rewind(); // Stops & resets its state to INITIAL

// A sound's state can be recovered; it can be INITIAL, PLAYING, PAUSED or STOPPED
SoundState state = sound.recoverState();
// Helper functions are available to check for individual states: isPlaying(), isPaused() & isStopped()

// The gain (volume) & the pitch can be changed, between 0 & 1

// A sound can be set to repeat itself when finished playing
sound.repeat(true); // false to stop repeating

// The elapsed time can be recovered. This is the duration for which
//  the sound has been playing since it started
float elapsedTime = sound.recoverElapsedTime();

// Finally, a sound's position & velocity can be defined. These, with the Listener's position
//  & orientation, are used to make it "sound" like it is actually coming from somewhere
sound.setPosition(Raz::Vec3f(0.f, 0.f, -1.f));
sound.setVelocity(Raz::Vec3f(0.f, 0.f, 1.f));
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