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Romain Milbert edited this page Jan 6, 2021 · 2 revisions

A Window can be created giving its dimensions (width & height, in pixels), an optional title, optional settings, and an optional number of anti-aliasing samples.

Regarding the settings, some predefined ones are available (in Raz::WindowSetting):

  • DEFAULT, the settings picked if unspecified, to create a non-maximized, unresizable (for now) & decorated window.
  • WINDOWED, to create a maximized, unresizable (for now) & decorated window.
  • BORDERLESS, to create an unresizable & undecorated window.
  • INVISIBLE, to create an invisible window. This one can't receive any keyboard or mouse input, and thus must be killed manually if needed.

Please note that the windowed & borderless settings are not actual full-screen windows as commonly known, since they have defined dimensions & that their behavior deviates slightly from the usual ones. Proper full-screen windows will be added in the future.

A Window is usually tightly coupled with a RenderSystem, and is automatically created along by giving it the same arguments the Window can take (including at least the title).

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