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Romain Milbert edited this page Aug 29, 2021 · 4 revisions

Logging can be done by making use of the class Raz::Logger. Everything in this class being static, it can't be instantiated.

Logging levels

Logging levels exist to vary the amount of output. There are currently 6 levels: none, error, warning, info, debug and all. Each of these include the ones prior to them: for example, setting the level to warning will print all error & warning messages, but not info & debug ones. The special values none and all respectively disable or enable every logging output.

// If the logging level is 'error' or higher, will print "[RaZ] [Error] - This is an error message"
Raz::Logger::error("This is an error message");

// If the logging level is 'warning' or higher, will print "[RaZ] [Warning] - This is a warning message"
Raz::Logger::warn("This is a warning message");

// If the logging level is 'info' or higher, will print "[RaZ] [Info] - This is an info message"
Raz::Logger::info("This is an info message");

// If the logging level is 'debug' or higher, will print "[RaZ] [Debug] - This is a debug message"
// In Release mode, this will print nothing by default. To force it, see below
Raz::Logger::debug("This is a debug message");

To change the level, call Raz::Logger::setLoggingLevel(Raz::LoggingLevel::XXX), where XXX would be whichever level you want to set.

Debug logging

Logging message with Logger::debug() could be abused to print useful developer-relevant information, since these by default do absolutely nothing in Release mode.

If you want the 'debug' logging level messages printed even in Release mode, define RAZ_FORCE_DEBUG_LOG when compiling RaZ. To do so, you can simply add -DRAZ_FORCE_DEBUG_LOG=ON to CMake's generation command.

Custom logging function

If you want to override logging operations, you can define a specific action by calling Raz::Logger::setLoggingFunction(...). This can take any function, including lambdas.

Raz::Logger::setLoggingFunction([] (Raz::LoggingLevel level, const std::string& message) {
  if (level == Raz::LoggingLevel::ERROR)
      std::cout << "Error: ";

  std::cout << message << '\n';

Raz::Logger::error("Message"); // This will print "Error: Message"
Raz::Logger::info("Message"); // This will print "Message"

To set it back to its original behavior, just call Raz::Logger::resetLoggingFunction().

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