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Harry She edited this page Aug 27, 2015 · 6 revisions

Launch File

The project can be started by executing The launcher has various mode it can start in which are:

  • Debugging
  • Testing
  • Webservice

Click here for more information on the modes the launch has.

Start Up

The launcher first does the loading of the file and saves it in a dictionary to be passed to the generator scripts. Then it checks for any flags passed when it was executed. The launcher then executes various functions some like roscore and ros_run are executed on a new process using the subprocess module from the python libraries or are executed directly on the main process. These functions can be grouped into various sections which are:

  1. Generation of files
  2. Generate Entity*
  3. Generate World
  4. Generate Obstacle
  5. Starts roscore
  6. Starts ros_stage
  7. Starts the GUI
  8. Starts webservice

*Note: The entity scripts are executed by the generate entity script.

Normal & Debugging Mode

In normal & debugging mode, the launcher executes all section except Section 5.

Testing Mode

In testing mode, the launcher executes the first section only.

Webservice Mode

In webservice mode, all the sections are executed.

Closing the program

When the launcher is terminated, the launcher calls various functions to clear the temporary files written by the generate scripts and the GUI and terminates the new processes that were made.

###Launch overview Run script triggers everything

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